2-Factor Authentication Twilio Integration

The 2-Factor Authentication package integrates Twilio services to provide an extra layer of security during the sign-in process. The package allows you to verify the identity of a site member logging in to your site.

In addition to an email and password, site members must enter a code sent to their phone when logging in. The phone number is associated with the site member during site registration.

Here is an example that demonstrates how to use this package.


Before using this package, set up the following:


Wix Platform

  • Add a Members Area to your site.

  • Add the following Twilio keys from your Twilio account to the Secrets Manager:

    • velo-2fa-twilioAccountSid: Your Twilio Account SID
    • velo-2fa-twilioAuthToken: Your Twilio Auth Token
    • velo-2fa-twilioVerifyServiceId: Your Twilio Verification Service ID
  • Velo Form: Change your member signup form to a Velo Form. Make sure to enable the Only allow backend calls for Signup and Login APIs advanced setting so that sensitive authentication information is not exposed.

  • Approval type: Decide whether to approve new members automatically or manually.

    • Navigate to Menus & Pages > Member Pages > Actions icon > Member Signup Settings. Select one of the following:

      • People I approve: Manually approve each member.

      • Everyone: Members are approved automatically.

Package Content

The main functionality for this package is located in the backend files. In addition, the package contains an optional public file that uses the package functions to create a complete 2FA registration and login scenario. In order to use the public file, you’ll need to add the site elements listed in the How to Use the Package section below.

Backend Files

This package contains the following backend files:


The code in this file defines the registration and login functions used in the package. The functions in this file can be used in your page/public/backend code by importing them with the following syntax:


The file includes the following functions:

  • sendRegConfirmCode()

    Sends a confirmation code to the site visitor's phone number if the site visitor is not registered yet.




    A visitorInfo object that contains details needed to send a confirmation code for registering the site visitor:

    • email: Site visitor’s email address.
    • phoneNumber: Site visitor’s phone number, as set during registration. The confirmation code is sent to this number.
    • countryCode: A country code in ISO3166 format loaded into a dropdown and selected by the site visitor. The country code is used together with the phone number for sending the confirmation code to the site visitor.
    • channel: The method of contacting the site visitor’s phone. Either sms or call.


    A promise that resolves to a response object containing the following property:

    • registerUser: A boolean indicating if the user successfully registered.

    If the promise is rejected, registerUser is false and the following property is also returned:

    • message: A message explaining why the member was not registered.
  • register()

    Registers a member if the confirmation code is correct.




    A registerInfo object that contains details needed to send a confirmation code for registering the site visitor:

    • phoneNumber: Site visitor’s phone number, as set during registration. The confirmation code is sent to this number.
    • countryCode: A country code in ISO3166 format loaded into a dropdown and selected by the site visitor. The country code is used together with the phone number for sending the confirmation code to the site visitor.
    • email: Site visitor’s email address.
    • password: Login password as chosen by the site visitor during registration.
    • confirmationCode: Numeric code sent to the site member’s phone and entered by the site member when registering.


    A promise that resolves to a results object containing the following property:

    • sessionToken: A string containing the token for the session.
  • sendLoginConfirmCode()

    Sends a confirmation code to the specified phone number if the site visitor is logged in.




    A memberInfo object that contains details needed to send a confirmation code for logging in the member:

    • email: Registered site visitor’s email address.
    • password: Login password as specified by the site visitor during registration.
    • channel: The method of contacting the site visitor’s phone: Can be sms or call.


    A promise that resolves to a response object containing the following property:

    • results: A boolean indicating if the member successfully logged in.

    If the promise is rejected, results is false and the following property is also returned:

    • message: A message explaining why the member was not logged in.
  • login()

    Logs the member in if the confirmation code is correct.



    A loginInfo object that contains details needed to send a confirmation code for logging the registered member in:

    • email: Registered member’s email address.
    • password: Login password as chosen by the member during registration.
    • confirmationCode: Numeric code sent to the registered member’s phone and entered by the member when logging in.


    A promise that resolves to a results object containing the following property:

    • sessionToken: A string containing the token for the session.

The code in this file sets and sorts the country code options. The function in this file can be used in your page/public/backend code by importing it with the following syntax:


The file includes the following function:

  • getCountries()

    Sets and sorts the countries and their ISO3166 codes. Can be used as the options for a country code dropdown in the registration form.






    A promise that resolves to an array of key-value pair objects containing country codes, such as:


Public File (optional)


Optional addition to the package with client-side code. The code in this file uses the package functions to register and login site members using 2-factor authentication. It assumes you have a registration/login lightbox on your site. See more details in Option 2 of the How to Use the Package section below.

The function in this file can be used in your page/public code by importing it with the following syntax:


The file includes the following function:

  • initPage()

    Implements 2-factor authentication as site visitors interact with the elements in the registration/login lightbox in order to sign up and login to the site.




    • components: The elements in the register/login lightbox used in the 2FA scenario.



How to Use the Package

This section demonstrates how to use the package functions to implement a typical 2FA registration and login scenario. See example site.

You have 2 options for using this package:

  • Option 1: Directly use the package functions in the login-wrapper.jsw backend module to build a custom login experience. This option provides you with more flexibility.

  • Option 2: Create a user interface and use the optional frontend code provided in the init-page.js public file. This option is easier to implement.

Option 1: Use the backend package functions directly

The following describes the general flow for using the package building blocks in the login-wrapper.jsw backend module to build a basic 2FA scenario:

  1. Import the relevant Velo API modules and package functions from the backend.
  2. When a site visitor clicks the submit button on the signup page, validate the inputs and call sendRegConfirmCode() to send a confirmation code.
  3. When a site visitor clicks the register button on the signup page, call register() to register the visitor, and handle success or error messages.
  4. When a site visitor clicks the submit button on the login page, validate the inputs and call sendLoginConfirmCode(). If the site visitor is registered as a member, a confirmation code is sent to the phone number provided during registration.
  5. When a site visitor clicks the login button on the login page, call login() to login the member, and handle success or error messages.

To see example code for this flow, see the init-page.js public file in the package.

Option 2: Create a UI and use the provided frontend functions

  • Add a lightbox with a multi-state box to your site to switch between a registration page and login page. Name the lightbox RegisterLogin.
Registration State

Registration State

Add the following elements:

Visible elements
  • 3 text inputs: email, password, phone number
  • dropdown: for selecting a country code
  • submit button
  • text element: links to the login page for site visitors who already registered
Collapsed elements
  • text input: for entering the confirmation code
  • register button
  • image: indicating that registration is in progress
  • 2 text elements: for error messages and for resending the verification code via a phone call
Login State

Login State

Add the following elements:

Visible elements
  • 2 text inputs: email and password
  • submit button
  • 2 text elements: links to a registration page for new site visitors and to a create/reset password page
Collapsed elements
  • text input: for entering the confirmation code
  • login button
  • image: indicating that login is in progress
  • 2 text elements: for error messages and for resending the verification code via a phone call

Add the following code to your RegisterLogin lightbox:

  1. Import the initPage() function from the package.

  2. In the RegisterLogin lightbox, set aliases for all the page components.

  3. Call initPage() with the page components.


npm Packages

This Velo package uses the following npm packages. To view the npm license, see the npm readmes.

Release Notes

1.0 Initial version.


Security, authentication, membersarea, twilio, 2fa

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