ShareASale Integration

The ShareASale Integration package provides easy integration with your ShareASale account. You can track purchases made on your site through affiliate links, and manage commissions for your affiliates.a


Before using the package, set up the following:

ShareASale Platform

  1. Create a ShareASale Merchant Account, or log in if you have an existing account.
  2. In your dashboard on the left corner you should see your ShareASale Merchant ID number following “ID#”.
  3. Go to Tools > Merchant API to get your ShareASale Token and API Secret.

Wix Platform

  • Add a Wix Store to your site.

  • Open the Wix Secrets Manager, and store your Merchant ID, ShareASale token, and API secret as new secrets with the following names:

    velo-shareasale-merchantId: YOUR_SHAREASALE_MERCHANT_ID

    velo-shareasale-token: YOUR_SHAREASALE_TOKEN

    velo-shareasale-apiSecret: YOUR_SHAREASALE_API_SECRET

Package Content

This package contains the following backend and public files. Note that only exported functions that you can use in your site are listed here.

Backend Files

This package contains the following backend files:


The code in this file contains unexposed functions that make the HTTP request from your site to ShareASale.


The code in this file contains the functions needed to create a sales report and send it to ShareASale.

To use the function below, import them with the following syntax:

import { reportSaleToShareASale } from "@velo/wix-stores-shareasale-backend";

The file contains the following function:

  • reportSaleToShareASale()

    Creates a sales report and sends it to ShareASale. You can call this function when a customer payment is validated.


    export function reportSaleToShareASale(sscid: string, orderId: number, buyerId: number, reportOptions: object):Promise<string>


  • sscid: Affiliate ID obtained from the retrieveStoredAffiliateId() function in the share-a-sale-public.js file.

  • orderId: Wix Store order ID. Note that each order ID can only be used for a single report. Additional requests with the same order ID will be ignored.

  • buyerId: Contact ID of the buyer. Can be obtained by calling the Velo appendOrCreateContact() API.

  • reportOptions: An object containing optional parameters to report to ShareASale. The object can only contain the following keys. The API call will be rejected if other keys are provided.

    • currency: The 3-letter ISO-4217 currency code used by the customer. For example, EUR for Euros. Defaults to USD if the value is blank, or if the specified currency code is invalid.
    • commissionOverridePercentage: Number of the commission percentage you want in the report.
    • commissionOverrideAmount: Number of the commission amount you want in the report.


    A promise that resolves to a string with either an error message or a success message from ShareASale.

Public File

This package contains the following public file:


The code in this file contains functions needed to detect when a site visitor is using an affiliate ID, and to store and retrieve an affiliate ID.

To use the functions below in your code, import it with the following syntax:

import { <functionName> } from '@velo/wix-stores-shareasale'

The file contains the following functions:

  • detectAndStoreAffiliateId()

    Checks if a site visitor is accessing your website through an affiliate, and stores that affiliate's ID in Wix Session Storage. This function should be called in the masterPage.js code file to cover all pages of your site.


    export function detectAndStoreAffiliateId()

    Note: The site's $w.onReady() function runs twice. To prevent the function from being called twice, add the following if statement before calling the function in the masterPage.js file. Learn more about the rendering environment that runs the process.

    if (wixWindow.rendering.env === "browser") { detectAndStoreAffiliateId(); }
  • retrieveStoredAffiliateId()

    Returns the detected affiliate ID currently stored in the session, or otherwise null.


    export function retrieveStoredAffiliateId(): <String>


    Returns the affiliate ID sscid needed for the reportSaleToShareASale() function.

npm Packages

This Velo package uses the following npm package. To view the npm license, see the npm readme.

Change Notes

1.0 Initial version.


share-a-sale, affiliates, store, order

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