Retrieves a list of up to 100 draft posts, given the provided paging, filtering, and sorting.
Query Draft Posts runs with these defaults, which you can override:
is sorted in DESC
is 50
is 0
_id | eq() ,ne() ,hasSome() ,ascending() ,descending() |
title | eq() ,ne() ,startsWith() ,hasSome() ,exists() ,in() ,ascending() ,descending() |
excerpt | eq() ,ne() ,startsWith() ,hasSome() ,exists() ,in() ,ascending() ,descending() |
featured | eq() ,ne() ,ascending() ,descending() |
categoryIds | hasSome() ,hasAll() |
memberId | eq() ,ne() ,hasSome() |
hashtags | hasSome() ,hasAll() |
commentingEnabled | eq() ,ne() ,ascending() ,descending() |
minutesToRead | eq() ,ne() ,lt() ,le() ,gt() ,ge() ,in() |
tagIds | hasSome() ,hasAll() |
pricingPlanIds | hasSome() ,hasAll() |
translationId | eq() ,ne() ,exists() ,in() |
language | eq() ,ne() ,hasSome() ,exists() ,in() |
status | eq() ,ne() ,hasSome() ,exists() ,in() ,ascending() ,descending() |
hasUnpublishedChanges | eq() ,ne() ,ascending() ,descending() |
editedDate | eq() ,ne() ,lt() ,le() ,gt() ,ge() ,in() ,ascending() ,descending() |
scheduledPublishDate | eq() ,ne() ,lt() ,le() ,gt() ,ge() ,in() ,ascending() ,descending() |
This function requires elevated permissions and runs only on the backend and on dashboard pages.
function queryDraftPosts(
options: QueryDraftPostsOptions,
): DraftPostsQueryBuilder;
Options for querying draft posts.
import { draftPosts } from "wix-blog-backend";
import { webMethod, Permissions } from "wix-web-module";
/* Sample options value:
* {
* "fieldsets": ["GENERATED_EXCERPT"]
* }
export const myQueryDraftPostsFunction = webMethod(
async (options) => {
try {
const queriedDraftPosts = await draftPosts.queryDraftPosts(options);
console.log("Successfully queried draft posts:", queriedDraftPosts);
return queriedDraftPosts;
} catch (error) {
// Handle the error
/* Promise resolves to:
* _items: [
* {
* _id: "d12f2ef2-c0f6-4913-b04f-aeeba2165b93",
* _createdDate: "2024-01-09T11:46:42.933Z",
* categoryIds: [
* "c8780752-f517-4cf9-9c18-0f9a22d00926",
* "590635d7-cc7c-48cb-970c-f8339daa1cfe",
* "2b2ccb5a-e709-45a1-8353-bb3332b91297"
* ],
* changeOrigin: "PRICING_PLANS_CHANGE",
* commentingEnabled: true,
* contentId: "65afbb218a16969308f29037",
* editedDate: "2024-01-16T10:50:33.495Z",
* editingSessionId: "4e14aa41-ad7f-4e25-b4c4-df7144002aaf",
* excerpt: "This is a excerpt about adding a widget to blog post rich content",
* featured: true,
* firstPublishedDate: "2024-01-09T11:46:43.034Z",
* hashtags: [],
* hasUnpublishedChanges: false,
* language: "en",
* media: {
* custom: false,
* displayed: true
* },
* memberId: "c00e8a5c-322b-4e77-8813-002e3ea7e811",
* minutesToRead: 15,
* mostRecentContributorId: "c00e8a5c-322b-4e77-8813-002e3ea7e811",
* paidContentParagraph: 1,
* pricingPlanIds: [
* "4b265594-133c-4cb0-a3af-b31852cad5e7",
* "0a6230d1-fe66-4367-9cce-7d7b17ede8cc",
* "4c9646d6-e1fb-4559-9267-1620015082aa"
* ],
* previewTextParagraph: 1,
* relatedPostIds: [
* "d655251a-74eb-467d-9beb-1962984b8d94",
* "6f4d3a1e-dec6-4818-b8b0-9fb62862aa5b",
* "66935097-31c5-4fab-9693-aa1b53aeea77"
* ],
* seoData: {
* settings: {
* preventAutoRedirect: false,
* keywords: []
* },
* tags: []
* },
* seoSlug: "rocket-man",
* slugs: [
* "rocket-man"
* ],
* status: "PUBLISHED",
* tagIds: [
* "a55b2c06-cbec-4d01-a8bb-cd7029056c75",
* "6d2e0a31-0f5e-4de8-8fd7-e45352bdfa67",
* "d2b0c02b-72c1-45af-ba58-3520cec9abe3"
* ],
* title: "Arise!",
* translations: []
* },
* {
* _id: "c8d50953-b31c-435f-82ec-a53d8bff87b4",
* _createdDate: "2023-08-13T13:51:23.823Z",
* categoryIds: [],
* changeOrigin: "PUBLISH",
* commentingEnabled: true,
* contentId: "65b0c1aa915ccdb13907fe1f",
* coverMedia: {
* custom: false,
* displayed: true,
* enabled: true,
* image: "wix:image://v1/75059a_3a3953ba8daa4a419562db4e61c7bee7~mv2.jpg#originWidth=2000&originHeight=3000"
* },
* editedDate: "2024-01-24T07:52:10.511Z",
* editingSessionId: "65b0c1aa915ccdb13907fe1f",
* excerpt: "If it wasn't for grit, we wouldn't succeed.",
* featured: false,
* firstPublishedDate: "2023-03-22T14:16:01.201Z",
* hashtags: [
* "vacation",
* "dream",
* "summer",
* "hashtag"
* ],
* hasUnpublishedChanges: false,
* language: "en",
* media: {
* custom: false,
* displayed: true,
* wixMedia: {
* image: "wix:image://v1/75059a_3a3953ba8daa4a419562db4e61c7bee7~mv2.jpg#originWidth=2000&originHeight=3000"
* }
* },
* memberId: "c00e8a5c-322b-4e77-8813-002e3ea7e811",
* minutesToRead: 12,
* mostRecentContributorId: "c00e8a5c-322b-4e77-8813-002e3ea7e811",
* paidContentParagraph: 4,
* pricingPlanIds: [],
* previewTextParagraph: 4,
* relatedPostIds: [],
* seoData: {
* settings: {
* preventAutoRedirect: false,
* keywords: []
* },
* tags: []
* },
* seoSlug: "the-things-we-carry-and-what-we-can-let-go-of",
* slugs: [
* "the-things-we-carry-and-what-we-can-let-go-of"
* ],
* status: "PUBLISHED",
* tagIds: [],
* title: "Grit is the special sauce.",
* translations: []
* }
* ],
* _limit: 50,
* _nextCursor: "",
* _originQuery: {
* filterTree: {
* $and: []
* },
* invalidArguments: [],
* encoder: {},
* transformationPaths: {},
* sort: [
* {
* fieldName: "title",
* order: "ASC"
* }
* ],
* paging: {},
* pagingMethod: "CURSOR",
* builderOptions: {
* cursorWithEmptyFilterAndSort: true
* }
* },
* _prevCursor: "",
* cursors: {
* next: "",
* prev: ""
* }
* };
This method doesn’t return any custom errors, but may return standard errors. Learn more about standard Wix errors.