
The wix-bookings-backend API allows you to manage bookings and calendar functionality on your site.

To enable bookings backend API functionality for your site, add the Wix Bookings application to your site. You must upgrade your site to a Premium Plan in order to accept bookings and receive online payments. To accept payments, see About Accepting Payments.

The following objects are maintained by the wix-bookings-backend API:

BookingsAn order placed by a customer for a service or series of services.Books a service's schedule. Has sessions.
ResourcesA business asset like a staff member, a room, or equipment needed to provide a service.Owns a schedule.
ScheduleA collection of sessions and the information needed to calculate availability.Owned by a resource or service. Has sessions.
SessionsA reserved period of time for an appointment, class, or course, or a period of availability for a resource.Belongs to a resource or service via a schedule.

For each object, the wix-bookings-backend API provides the following functionality:

Note: You cannot book a service in preview mode, or when logged in as the site owner. To make a booking, publish your site, then either log out of your Wix account, or open the published site in an incognito browser window.

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