gt( )

Refines a query to match items whose specified property value is greater than the specified value.

The gt() function refines a ContactsQueryBuilder to only match items where the value of the specified property is greater than the specified value.

It only matches values of the same type. For example, a number value stored as a String type does not match the same number stored as a Number type.

If a property contains a number as a String, that value will be compared alphabetically and not numerically. Items that do not have a value for the specified property are ranked lowest.

The following types of properties can be compared:

  • Number: Compares numerically.
  • Date: Compares JavaScript Date objects.
  • String: Compares lexicographically, so "text" is greater than "Text".
Method Declaration
Method Parameters

The property whose value will be compared with value.

Supported properties:

  • "_createdDate"
  • "_updatedDate"
  • "lastActivity.activityDate"
  • "info.birthdate"


The value to match against.

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