onFormSubmit( )

An event that triggers when a site visitor submits a Wix Form.

The onFormSubmit() event handler runs when a site visitor submits a Wix Form (see the WixForms $w element).

The received FormSubmitEvent object contains information about the Wix Form that was submitted.

Note: Backend events don't work when previewing your site.

For Wix Forms client side events, see:

  • The onWixFormSubmit() function, which sets events that fire when a site visitor submits a Wix Form yet before it is sent to the server.
  • The onWixFormSubmitted() function, which sets events that fire when a site visitor submits a Wix Form and it is successfully received by the server.
  • The onWixFormSubmittedError() function, which sets events that fire when a site visitor submits a Wix Form and it is successfully received by the server.
Method Declaration
Method Parameters

The Wix Form data.

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