Deprecated. This function is deprecated but will continue to work. To set a task as completed, see the wix-crm.v2.Tasks.updateTask() function.
If this function is already in your code, it will continue to work.
To stay compatible with future changes, migrate to
To migrate to the new function:
Add the new import statement:
import { tasks } from "wix-crm.v2";
If you plan to migrate all functions that use wixCrmBackend
remove the original import wixCrmBackend
Look for any code that uses wixCrmBackend.tasks.removeTask()
and replace it with with tasks.updateTask()
. To set the task as completed,
set the status
field to "COMPLETED"
Test your changes to make sure your code behaves as expected.
Sets a task as completed.
The completeTask()
function returns a Promise that resolves to the ID of the
the task after it is set as completed.
function completeTask(taskId: string): Promise<string>;
ID of the task to set as complete.
import { Permissions, webMethod } from "wix-web-module";
import { tasks } from "wix-crm-backend";
export const completeTask = webMethod(Permissions.Anyone, (taskId) => {
return tasks.completeTask(taskId);
// Returns a promise that resolves to:
// "3c9683ea-f6cc-470b-b0d1-2eb6b8cea912"
This method doesn’t return any custom errors, but may return standard errors. Learn more about standard Wix errors.