
The WixDataQuery functions enable you to run, sort, filter, and control which results a query returns.

Typically, you build a query using the query() function, refine the query by chaining WixDataQuery functions, and then execute the query by chaining one of the following: find(), distinct(), or count()

For example, the following code queries a collection for all male customers over the age of 20 and logs the first 15 results to the console, sorted in ascending order by name:

import wixData from "wix-data"; wixData .query("Customer") .gt("age", 20) .ascending("name") .limit(15) .find() .then((results) => { console.log(results.items); });

When working with Wix app collections, fields in the collections have the following permissions:

  • Can connect to data
  • Can use in dynamic page URL
  • Can be sorted
  • Can be filtered
  • Read-only Check which fields can be used in a query.
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ascending( )

Adds a sort to a query or sort, sorting by the specified properties in ascending order.

The ascending() function refines a WixDataQuery or WixDataSort to sort in ascending order of the specified properties. If you specify more than one property, ascending() sorts the results in ascending order by each property in the order they are listed.

You can sort the following types:

  • Number: Sorts numerically.
  • Date: Sorts by date and time.
  • String: Sorts lexicographically, so "abc" comes after "XYZ".
  • Reference: Compares by the ID of the referenced item as a String.

If a property contains a number as a String, that value will be sorted alphabetically and not numerically. Items that do not have a value for the specified sort property are ranked lowest.

Method Declaration
function ascending(propertyName: Array<string>): WixDataQuery;
Method Parameters

The properties used in the sort.

Return Type:WixDataQuery
let newQuery = query.ascending("last_name", "first_name");
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count( )

Returns the number of items that match the query.

The count() function returns a Promise that resolves to the number of items that match the query. The Promise is rejected if count() is called with incorrect permissions or if any of the functions used to refine the query is invalid.

Calling the count() function triggers the beforeCount() and afterCount() hooks if they have been defined.

Use the options parameter to run count() without checking for permissions or without its registered hooks.

Any function that does not filter query results (e.g., ascending()) does not affect the result of count().

If you build a query and don't refine it with any WixDataQuery functions, count() returns the total number of items in the collection.

If you have already run a query with find(), you can retrieve the number of query results without calling count(). The find() function returns a Promise that resolves to a WixDataQueryResult object, which has a totalCount property whose value is the number of results.

Method Declaration
function count(options: WixDataOptions): Promise<number>;
Method Parameters

An object containing options to use when processing this operation.

Return Type:Promise<number>
query .count() .then((num) => { let numberOfItems = num; }) .catch((error) => { let errorMsg = error.message; let code = error.code; });
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descending( )

Adds a sort to a query or sort, sorting by the specified properties in descending order.

The descending() function refines a WixDataQuery or WixDataSort to sort in descending order of the specified properties. If you specify more than one property, descending() sorts the results in descending order by each property in the order they are listed.

You can sort the following types:

  • Number: Sorts numerically.
  • Date: Sorts by date and time.
  • String: Sorts lexicographically, so "abc" comes before "XYZ".
  • Reference: Compares by the ID of the referenced item as a String.

If a property contains a number as a String, that value will be sorted alphabetically and not numerically. Items that do not have a value for the specified sort property are ranked lowest.

Method Declaration
function descending(propertyName: Array<string>): WixDataQuery;
Method Parameters

The properties used in the sort.

Return Type:WixDataQuery
let newQuery = query.descending("last_name", "first_name");
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distinct( )

Returns the distinct values that match the query, without duplicates.

The distinct() function returns a Promise that resolves to:

  • The distinct values found in the specified field when running the query.
  • Additional information about the results, such as the number of values that match the query.

Unlike find(), which returns all item objects that match the query, distinct() returns matching field values, and eliminates duplicate field values from the query result. You cannot use find() and distinct() together.

For an item to be resolved as distinct, only the specified field must be distinct. Other fields for that item in the collection are not evaluated when resolving the promise.

The Promise is rejected if distinct() is called with incorrect permissions or if any of the functions used to refine the query is invalid.


  • Only site visitors with Data Read permissions can retrieve and view data. You can override the permissions by setting the suppressAuth option to true.
  • distinct() returns the full distinct items that match the query. To specify which fields to return for each retrieved item, use the fields() method.
Method Declaration
function distinct(
  propertyName: string,
  options: WixDataQueryOptions,
): Promise<WixDataQueryResult>;
Method Parameters

The property whose value will be compared for distinct values.


An object containing options to use when processing this operation.

Return Type:Promise<WixDataQueryResult>

This example demonstrates how to run a distinct() on a query() that was previously built and stored in a variable.

query .distinct("state") .then((results) => { if (results.items.length > 0) { let items = results.items; let firstItem = items[0]; let totalCount = results.totalCount; let pageSize = results.pageSize; let currentPage = results.currentPage; let totalPages = results.totalPages; let hasNext = results.hasNext(); let hasPrev = results.hasPrev(); let length = results.length; let query = results.query; } else { // handle case where no matching items found } }) .catch((error) => { let errorMsg = error.message; let code = error.code; });
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fields( )

Lists the fields to return in a query's results.

The fields() function returns only the specified fields in the query's results.

You can use include() in conjunction with fields() to get referenced items.

When fields() receives an empty or invalid property, the query behaves as follows:

  • When no fields are specified, the query returns all fields.
  • When multiple fields are specified but some are invalid, invalid fields are ignored and valid fields are returned.
  • When only invalid fields are specified, only the default _id field is returned.
Method Declaration
function fields(propertyName: Array<string>): WixDataQuery;
Method Parameters

Properties to return. To return multiple properties, pass properties as additional arguments.

Return Type:WixDataQuery
let myQuery = query.fields("fieldName1", "fieldName2");
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find( )

Returns the items that match the query.

The find() function returns a Promise that resolves to the results found by the query and some information about the results. The Promise is rejected if find() is called with incorrect permissions or if any of the functions used to refine the query is invalid.

Calling the find() function triggers the beforeQuery() and afterQuery() hooks if they have been defined.

Use the options parameter to override default preferences:

  • Override permission checks with suppressAuth.
  • Ensure the most up-to-date data is retrieved with consistentRead.
  • Prevent hooks from running with suppressHooks.
  • Speed up execution with omitTotalCount, if you don't need a count of items matching the query.

If you build a query and don't refine it with any wixDataQuery functions, find() returns the entire collection.


  • Calling find() triggers hooks for the specified collection only. It doesn’t trigger hooks for referenced collections.
  • find() returns the full items that match the query. To specify which fields to return for each retrieved item, use the fields() method.
Method Declaration
function find(options: WixDataQueryOptions): Promise<WixDataQueryResult>;
Method Parameters

An object containing options to use when processing this operation.

Return Type:Promise<WixDataQueryResult>

This example demonstrates how to run a find() on a query() that was previously built and stored in a variable.

query .find() .then((results) => { if (results.items.length > 0) { let items = results.items; let firstItem = items[0]; let totalCount = results.totalCount; let pageSize = results.pageSize; let currentPage = results.currentPage; let totalPages = results.totalPages; let hasNext = results.hasNext(); let hasPrev = results.hasPrev(); let length = results.length; let query = results.query; } else { // handle case where no matching items found } }) .catch((error) => { let errorMsg = error.message; let code = error.code; });
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include( )

Includes referenced items for the specified properties in a query's results.

The include() function refines a query so that the items returned in the query's results include the full referenced items for the specified properties.

For example, suppose you have a books collection with an author field that references an authors collection. Querying the books collection with an include("author") returns the relevant book items and each item will include the full referenced author item in the book's author property.

When querying a collection that contains a reference field without using the include() function:

  • Single reference field: returned items contain only the ID of the referenced item, and not the full referenced items.
  • Multiple reference field: returned items do not contain the multiple reference field at all.

When including a property with multiple references, the following limitations apply:

  • Only one property with multiple references can be included.
  • The query will return an error if more than 50 items are returned, regardless of any query limit set using the limit() function.
  • Each returned item can include up to 50 referenced items. If there are more than 50 referenced items, only 50 are returned when the query is run and the partialIncludes property of the returned WixDataQueryResult is true. To retrieve more than 50 referenced items, use the queryReferenced() function.

For a discussion of when to use the similar queryReferenced() function and when to use include(), see Querying Items that Reference Other Items.


  • Calling the include() function does not trigger any hooks.
  • The include() function is not supported for Single Item Collections.
Method Declaration
function include(propertyName: Array<string>): WixDataQuery;
Method Parameters

The properties for which to include referenced items.

Return Type:WixDataQuery
let newQuery = query.include("referenceField");
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limit( )

Limits the number of items the query returns.

The limit() function defines the number of results a query returns in each page. Only one page of results is retrieved at a time. The next() and prev() functions are used to navigate the pages of a query result.

By default, limit is set to 50.

The maximum value that limit() can accept is 1000.

Note that for some Wix app collections, the maximum value limit() can accept is less than 1000. For example, the maximum limit for the Wix Stores/Product collection is 100.

Method Declaration
function limit(limit: number): WixDataQuery;
Method Parameters

The number of items to return, which is also the pageSize of the results object.

Return Type:WixDataQuery
let newQuery = query.limit(10);
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skip( )

Sets the number of items to skip before returning query results.

The skip() function defines the number of results to skip in the query results before returning new query results.

For example, if you query a collection and 50 items match your query, but you set skip to 10, the results returned will skip the first 10 items that match and return the 11th through 50th items.

By default, skip is set to 0.

Method Declaration
function skip(skip: number): WixDataQuery;
Method Parameters

The number of items to skip in the query results before returning the results.

Return Type:WixDataQuery
let newQuery = query.skip(10);
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and( )

Adds an and condition to the query or filter.

The and() function adds an and condition to a WixDataQuery or WixDataFilter. A query or filter with an and returns all the items that match the query or filter as defined up to the and function and also match the query or filter passed to the and function.

Note that when chaining multiple WixDataFilter functions to a query an and condition is assumed. In such cases, you do not need to add a call to the and() function. For example, this query returns results where status is active and age is greater than 25.

wixData.query("myCollection").eq("status", "active").gt("age", 25);

The and() function is needed when performing compound queries. For example, the final query in this set of queries returns results where status is either pending or rejected and age is either less than 25 or greater than 65.

let statusQuery = wixData .query("myCollection") .eq("status", "pending") .or(wixData.query("myCollection").eq("status", "rejected")); let ageQuery = wixData .query("myCollection") .lt("age", 25) .or(wixData.query("myCollection").gt("age", 65)); let statusAndAgeQuery = statusQuery.and(ageQuery);

The collections referenced by both the initial query and the query passed to the and function must be the same.

The 'and()' function is designed to work with 2 or more queries or filters. If you use it on its own, it will return all the items in a collection.

Method Declaration
function and(query: WixDataQuery): WixDataQuery;
Method Parameters

A query to add to the initial query as an and condition.

Return Type:WixDataQuery
let newQuery = query1.and(query2);
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between( )

Refines a query or filter to match items whose specified property value is within a specified range.

The between() function refines a WixDataQuery or WixDataFilter to only match items where the value of the specified property is greater than or equal to rangeStart and less than rangeEnd.

It only matches values of the same type. For example, a number value stored as a String type does not match the same number stored as a Number type.

If a property contains a number as a String, that value will be compared alphabetically and not numerically. Items that do not have a value for the specified property are ranked lowest.

The following types of properties can be compared:

  • Number: Compares numerically.
  • Date: Compares JavaScript Date objects.
  • String: Compares lexicographically, so
    • "A" and "M" are between "A" and "Z", but "a", "m", "z" and "Z" are not.
    • "A", "M", "Z", and "a" are between "A" and "z", but "z" is not.
Method Declaration
function between(
  propertyName: string,
  rangeStart: union,
  rangeEnd: union,
): WixDataQuery;
Method Parameters

The property whose value will be compared with rangeStart and rangeEnd.


The beginning value of the range to match against.


The ending value of the range to match against.

Return Type:WixDataQuery
let newQuery = query.between("age", 25, 65);
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contains( )

Refines a query or filter to match items whose specified property value contains a specified string.

The contains() function refines a WixDataQuery or WixDataFilter to only match items where the value of the specified property contains the specified string. Matching with contains() is not case sensitive, so "text" does contain "Tex".

You can use contains() with a property whose value is a String or a Reference. For properties of type reference it is recommended that you use the eq() function instead of contains(). With properties that are References, contains() matches by the ID of the referenced item as a String.

Method Declaration
function contains(propertyName: string, string: string): WixDataQuery;
Method Parameters

The property whose value will be compared with the string.


The string to look for inside the specified property value.

Return Type:WixDataQuery
let newQuery = query.contains("description", "some words");
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endsWith( )

Refines a query or filter to match items whose specified property value ends with a specified string.

The endsWith() function refines a WixDataQuery or WixDataFilter to only match items where the value of the specified property ends with the specified string. Matching with endsWith() is not case sensitive, so "TEXT" ends with "ext".

You can only use endsWith() with a property whose value is a String or Reference. When using a Reference, endsWith() matches by the ID of the referenced item as Strings.

Method Declaration
function endsWith(propertyName: string, string: string): WixDataQuery;
Method Parameters

The property whose value will be compared with the string.


The string to look for at the end of the specified property value.

Return Type:WixDataQuery
let newQuery = query.endsWith("last_name", "z");
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eq( )

Refines a query or filter to match items whose specified property value equals the specified value.

The eq() function refines a WixDataQuery or WixDataFilter to only match items where the value of the specified property equals the specified value.

It only matches values of the same type. For example, a number value stored as a String type does not match the same number stored as a Number type.

Matching strings with eq() is case sensitive, so "text" is not equal to "Text".

If propertyName points to a collection field of type Array, eq() includes the item as long as at least one Array element matches the specified value.

Method Declaration
function eq(propertyName: string, value: any): WixDataQuery;
Method Parameters

The property whose value will be compared with value.


The value to match against.

Return Type:WixDataQuery
let newQuery = query.eq("status", "active");
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ge( )

Refines a query or filter to match items whose specified property value is greater than or equal to the specified value.

The ge() function refines a WixDataQuery or WixDataFilter to only match items where the value of the specified property is greater than or equal to the specified value.

It only matches values of the same type. For example, a number value stored as a String type does not match the same number stored as a Number type.

If a property contains a number as a String, that value will be compared alphabetically and not numerically. Items that do not have a value for the specified property are ranked lowest.

The following types of properties can be compared:

  • Number: Compares numerically.
  • Date: Compares JavaScript Date objects.
  • String: Compares lexicographically, so "abc" is greater than or equal to "ABC" (because of the greater than), but "ABC" is not greater than or equal to "abc".
  • Reference: Compares by the ID of the referenced item as a String.
Method Declaration
function ge(propertyName: string, value: union): WixDataQuery;
Method Parameters

The property whose value will be compared with value.


The value to match against.

Return Type:WixDataQuery
let newQuery ="age", 25);
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gt( )

Refines a query or filter to match items whose specified property value is greater than the specified value.

The gt() function refines a WixDataQuery or WixDataFilter to only match items where the value of the specified property is greater than the specified value.

It only matches values of the same type. For example, a number value stored as a String type does not match the same number stored as a Number type.

If a property contains a number as a String, that value will be compared alphabetically and not numerically. Items that do not have a value for the specified property are ranked lowest.

The following types of properties can be compared:

  • Number: Compares numerically.
  • Date: Compares JavaScript Date objects.
  • String: Compares lexicographically, so "text" is greater than "Text".
  • Reference: Compares by the ID of the referenced item as a String.
Method Declaration
function gt(propertyName: string, value: union): WixDataQuery;
Method Parameters

The property whose value will be compared with value.


The value to match against.

Return Type:WixDataQuery
let newQuery ="age", 25);
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hasAll( )

Refines a query or filter to match items whose specified property values equals all of the specified value parameters.

The hasAll() function refines a WixDataQuery or WixDataFilter to only match items where the value of the specified property equals all of the specified values.

Matching strings with hasAll() is case sensitive, so "text" is not equal to "Text".

If the value of the specified property is an array, hasAll() will match if there is a match in the elements of that array for all of the specified values.

You can specify a list of values to match by providing an array of String, Number, or Date types as the value parameters.

Method Declaration
function hasAll(propertyName: string, value: union): WixDataQuery;
Method Parameters

The property whose value will be compared with value.


The values to match against.

Return Type:WixDataQuery
let newQuery = query.hasAll("sizes", [30, 38, 42]);
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hasSome( )

Refines a query or filter to match items whose specified property value equals any of the specified value parameters.

The hasSome() function refines a WixDataQuery or WixDataFilter to only match items where the value of the specified property equals any of the specified values.

Matching strings with hasSome() is case sensitive, so "text" is not equal to "Text".

If the value of the specified property is an array, hasSome() will match if any of the elements of that array match any of the specified values.

If the specified property contains multiple references, pass item IDs in the value property. In such a case, hasSome() will match if any of the multiple references match any of the specified ID values.

You can specify a list of values to match by providing an array of String, Number, or Date types as the value parameters.

Method Declaration
function hasSome(propertyName: string, value: union): WixDataQuery;
Method Parameters

The property whose value will be compared with value.


The values to match against.

Return Type:WixDataQuery
let newQuery = query.hasSome("sizes", [30, 38, 42]);
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isEmpty( )

Refines a query or filter to match items whose specified property does not exist or does not have any value.

The isEmpty() function refines a WixDataQuery or WixDataFilter to only match items where the value of the specified property is null or undefined or the property does not exist.

If the property contains any value at all for a given item, including the empty string or an invalid value, that item will match the query.

Method Declaration
function isEmpty(propertyName: string): WixDataQuery;
Method Parameters

The the property in which to check for a value.

Return Type:WixDataQuery
let newQuery = query.isEmpty("bio");
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isNotEmpty( )

Refines a query or filter to match items whose specified property has any value.

The isNotEmpty() function refines a WixDataQuery or WixDataFilter to only match items where the value of the specified property is not null or undefined.

If the property contains any value at all for a given item, including the empty string or an invalid value, that item will match the query.

Method Declaration
function isNotEmpty(propertyName: string): WixDataQuery;
Method Parameters

The property in which to check for a value.

Return Type:WixDataQuery
let newQuery = query.isNotEmpty("bio");
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le( )

Refines a query or filter to match items whose specified property value is less than or equal to the specified value.

The le() function refines a WixDataQuery or WixDataFilter to only match items where the value of the specified property is less than or equal to the specified value.

It only matches values of the same type. For example, a number value stored as a String type does not match the same number stored as a Number type.

If a property contains a number as a String, that value will be compared alphabetically and not numerically. Items that do not have a value for the specified property are ranked lowest.

The following types of properties can be compared:

  • Number: Compares numerically.
  • Date: Compares JavaScript Date objects.
  • String: Compares lexicographically, so "ABC" is less than or equal to "abc" (because of the less than), but "abc" is not less than or equal to "ABC".
  • Reference: Compares by the ID of the referenced item as a String.
Method Declaration
function le(propertyName: string, value: union): WixDataQuery;
Method Parameters

The property whose value will be compared with value.


The value to match against.

Return Type:WixDataQuery
let newQuery = query.le("age", 25);
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lt( )

Refines a query or filter to match items whose specified property value is less than the specified value.

The lt() function refines a WixDataQuery or WixDataFilter to only match items where the value of the specified property is less than the specified value.

It only matches values of the same type. For example, a number value stored as a String type does not match the same number stored as a Number type.

If a property contains a number as a String, that value will be compared alphabetically and not numerically. Items that do not have a value for the specified property are ranked lowest.

The following types of properties can be compared:

  • Number: Compares numerically.
  • Date: Compares JavaScript Date objects.
  • String: Compares lexicographically, so "Text" is less than "text".
  • Reference: Compares by the ID of the referenced item as a String.
Method Declaration
function lt(propertyName: string, value: union): WixDataQuery;
Method Parameters

The property whose value will be compared with value.


The value to match against.

Return Type:WixDataQuery
let newQuery ="age", 25);
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ne( )

Refines a query or filter to match items whose specified property value does not equal the specified value.

The ne() function refines a WixDataQuery or WixDataFilter to only match items where the value of the specified property does not equal the specified value.

It only matches values of the same type. For example, a number value stored as a String type is considered not equal to the same number stored as a Number type.

Matching strings with ne() is case sensitive, so "text" is not equal to "Text".

If the value of the propertyName property is an Array, ne() includes items in which none of the elements of the Array match the specified value.

Method Declaration
function ne(propertyName: string, value: any): WixDataQuery;
Method Parameters

The property whose value will be compared with value.


The value to match against.

Return Type:WixDataQuery
let newQuery ="status", "active");
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not( )

Adds a not condition to the query or filter.

The not() function adds a not condition to a WixDataQuery or WixDataFilter. A query or filter with a not returns all the items that match the query or filter as defined up to the not function, but don't match the query or filter passed to the not function.

If the query or filter only contains a not() function, it returns all the items that don't match the query defined by the not method.

The collections referenced by both the initial query and the query passed to the not function must be the same.

Method Declaration
function not(query: WixDataQuery): WixDataQuery;
Method Parameters

A query to add to the initial query as a not condition.

Return Type:WixDataQuery
let newQuery = query1.not(query2);
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or( )

Adds an or condition to the query or filter.

The or() function adds an inclusive or condition to a WixDataQuery or WixDataFilter. A query or filter with an or returns all the items that match the query or filter as defined up to the or function, the items that match the query or filter passed to the or function, and the items that match both.

The collections used by both the initial query and the query passed to the or function must be the same.

The 'or()' function is designed to work with 2 or more queries or filters. If you use it on its own, it will return all the items in a collection.

Method Declaration
function or(query: WixDataQuery): WixDataQuery;
Method Parameters

A query to add to the initial query as an or condition.

Return Type:WixDataQuery
let newQuery = query1.or(query2);
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startsWith( )

Refines a query or filter to match items whose specified property value starts with a specified string.

The startsWith() function refines a WixDataQuery or WixDataFilter to only match items where the value of the specified property starts with the defined string. Matching with startsWith() is not case sensitive, so "TEXT" starts with "tex".

You can only use startsWith() with a property whose value is a String or Reference. When using a Reference, startsWith() matches by the ID of the referenced item as Strings.

Method Declaration
function startsWith(propertyName: string, string: string): WixDataQuery;
Method Parameters

The property whose value will be compared with the string.


The string to look for at the beginning of the specified property value.

Return Type:WixDataQuery
let newQuery = query.startsWith("last_name", "M");
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