updateOrder( )

Updates an order.

The updateOrder() function returns a Promise that resolves when the specified order's information is updated.

Currently, the following fields can be updated:

  • order.buyerInfo.email
  • order.recipientInfo.address
  • order.recipientInfo.contactDetails
  • order.shippingInfo.logistics.shippingDestination.address
  • order.shippingInfo.logistics.shippingDestination.contactDetails

To update a field's value, include the new value in the order object in the body params. To remove a field's value, pass null.

Note: Removing buyerInfo or contactDetails fields results in an error.

To update an order's payment status, use updatePaymentStatus( ).

Admin Method

This function requires elevated permissions and runs only on the backend and on dashboard pages.

Permission Scopes

For app development, you must have one of the following permission scopes:
Manage Stores - all permissions
Manage eCommerce - all permissions
Manage Orders
Learn more about permission scopes.
Method Declaration
Method Parameters

Order ID.

Return Type:Promise<Order>
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