getEvent( )

Retrieves a Wix event by ID.

The getEvent() function returns a Promise that resolves to a Wix event whose ID matches the given ID.

Only those with "Manage Events" permissions can get Wix events.

Note: This function requires elevated permissions to run.

This function is not universal and runs only on the backend.

Method Declaration
function getEvent(eventId: string): Promise<WixEvent>;
Method Parameters

Event ID.

Return Type:Promise<WixEvent>
Get a Wix event
import { Permissions, webMethod } from "wix-web-module"; import { wixEvents } from "wix-events-backend"; import { elevate } from "wix-auth"; /* Sample eventId value: 'c241e6e2-c951-440d-8b62-52a6ec382140'; */ export const myGetEventFunction = webMethod( Permissions.Anyone, async (eventId) => { try { const elevatedGetEvent = elevate(wixEvents.getEvent); const getEvent = await elevatedGetEvent(eventId); console.log("Success! Event:", getEvent); return getEvent; } catch (error) { console.error(error); // Handle the error } }, ); /* Promise resolves to: { "about": "Join us for Nature's Symphony: A Musical Journey Through Wildlife at the iconic Royal Albert Hall.", "assignedContactsLabel": "custom.natures-symphony-a-musical-journey-through-wildlif", "calendarLinks": { "google": "", "ics": "" }, "categories": [], "createdBy": "8a8b9b73-4da8-47a5-8268-4396e68a0605", "_createdDate": "2023-07-13T12:52:00.911Z", "description": "Immerse yourself in the enchanting harmony of nature's symphony as it intertwines with the power of music!", "eventUrl": { "baseUrl": "", "path": "/event-details-registration/natures-symphony-a-musical-journey-through-wildlife" }, "form": { "inputGroups": [ { "_id": "name", "inputs": [ { "additionalLabels": [], "label": "First name", "maxLength": 50, "name": "firstName", "options": [], "required": true, "type": "TEXT" }, { "additionalLabels": [], "label": "Last name", "maxLength": 50, "name": "lastName", "options": [], "required": true, "type": "TEXT" } ], "orderIndex": 0, "system": true, "type": "NAME" }, { "_id": "email", "inputs": [ { "additionalLabels": [], "label": "Email", "maxLength": 255, "name": "email", "options": [], "required": true, "type": "TEXT" } ], "orderIndex": 1, "system": true, "type": "INPUT" } ], "messages": { "checkout": { "checkoutLabel": "Continue", "title": "Add your details" }, "registrationClosed": { "exploreEventsLabel": "See other events", "message": "Registration is closed" }, "rsvp": { "noMessages": { "confirmationTitle": "Sorry You Can't Make It", "shareLabel": "Share", "title": "Add your details" }, "rsvpNo": "Not Going", "rsvpYes": "I'm Going", "submitRsvpLabel": "SUBMIT", "waitingMessages": { "addToCalendarLabel": "Add to Calendar", "confirmationMessage": "We'll update you if additional spots become available.", "confirmationTitle": "Thanks! You've been added to the waitlist.", "shareLabel": "Share", "title": "Looks like this event is full. Join the waitlist." }, "yesMessages": { "addToCalendarLabel": "Add to Calendar", "confirmationMessage": "An email with all the event info was sent to you.", "confirmationTitle": "Thank you!", "shareLabel": "Share", "title": "Add your details" } } } }, "guestList": { "public": true }, "_id": "c241e6e2-c951-440d-8b62-52a6ec382140", "language": "en", "location": { "address": { "formatted": "Kensington Gore, London SW7, UK", "location": { "latitude": 51.5009132, "longitude": -0.1766086 }, "city": "London", "country": "GB", "postalCode": "SW7 2BL", "streetAddress": { "name": "Kensington Gore", "number": "SW7", "apt": "" } }, "name": "Royal Albert Hall", "tbd": false, "type": "VENUE" }, "registration": { "initialType": "TICKETS", "restrictedTo": "VISITOR", "rsvp": { "responseOptions": "YES_ONLY", "waitlist": false }, "status": "OPEN_TICKETS", "tickets": { "currency": "EUR", "formAssignedPerTicket": false, "highestTicketPrice": { "currency": "EUR", "value": "20.00" }, "highestTicketPriceFormatted": "€20", "lowestTicketPrice": { "currency": "EUR", "value": "20.00" }, "lowestTicketPriceFormatted": "€20", "tax": {} }, "type": "TICKETS" }, "scheduling": { "endDate": "2023-11-29T23:00:00.137Z", "formatted": "29 November 2023, 19:00–23:00", "hideEndDate": false, "showTimeZone": false, "startDate": "2023-11-29T19:00:00.000Z", "startDateFormatted": "29 November 2023", "startTimeFormatted": "19:00", "tbd": false, "timeZoneId": "Europe/Dublin" }, "slug": "natures-symphony-a-musical-journey-through-wildlife", "status": "SCHEDULED", "summary": { "rsvp": { "noCount": 0, "totalRsvps": 0, "waitlistCount": 0, "yesCount": 0 }, "tickets": { "currencyLocked": false, "revenue": {}, "totalOrders": 0, "totalSales": {}, "totalTickets": 0 } }, "title": "Nature's Symphony: A Musical Journey Through Wildlife", "_updatedDate": "2023-11-08T13:22:57.000Z", "videoConferencing": { "session": { "guestLink": "", "hostLink": "" } } } */

This method doesn’t return any custom errors, but may return standard errors. Learn more about standard Wix errors.

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