createRsvp( )

Creates an RSVP and adds the new guests to an event's guest list.

The createRsvp() function returns a Promise that resolves to an RsvpResponse when the guests in the specified form values have been added to the event's guest list.

The list of FormValue objects you pass to createRsvp() must include a form value for the rsvpStatus. Which statuses you can return depends on the rsvpStatusOptions returned from the formData property as follows:

  • "YES_AND_NO": Send an rsvpStatus of "YES" or "NO".
  • "YES_ONLY": Send an rsvpStatus of "YES".
  • "OPEN_RSVP_WAITLIST": Send an rsvpStatus of "WAITING" to add a guest to the waitlist.

When creating an RSVP with rsvpStatus of "WAITING" or "NO", the list of FormValue objects should only contain items for "firstName", "lastName", "email", and "rsvpStatus". No other fields should be passed.

When creating an RSVP that adds additional guests, format the guest names for submission in an array where each element is the full name of a guest.

When creating an RSVP that contains an address, the way you format the address information for submission depends on what type of input elements you use to gather that information as follows:

  • If the address is input using a Wix address input element, no special formatting is needed.
  • If the address is input using another type of input element, such as a text input, format the input's value in an array.
  • If the address is input using a number of input elements, each for a different part of the address, format the input values as elements in an array.

Note: To work with the Wix Events API, you need to publish your site.

Method Declaration
Method Parameters

ID of the event to create an RSVP for.


List of field names and values for an RSVP form.

Return Type:Promise<RsvpResponse>
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