Deletes a group.
The deleteGroup()
function returns a Promise that resolves to the deleted group after it has successfully been deleted.
Only site admins and group admins can delete their group. After the group is deleted, it is removed from both your site and the site's Dashboard.
Note: If the suppressAuth
option is set to true
, all permissions are overwritten, and all site members (including non-group members) can delete a group.
function deleteGroup(groupId: string, options: Options): Promise<Group>;
ID of group to delete.
Authorization options.
import { Permissions, webMethod } from "wix-web-module";
import { groups } from "wix-groups-backend";
// Sample groupId value:
// 'fc3df3c1-36b2-4279-8be1-8e72a05a88c8'
// Sample options value:
// {
// suppressAuth: true
// }
export const myCreateGroupFunction = webMethod(
(groupId, options) => {
return groups
.deleteGroup(groupId, options)
.then((deletedGroup) => {
return deletedGroup;
.catch((error) => {
/* Promise resolves to:
* {
* "_id": "fc3df3c1-36b2-4279-8be1-8e72a05a88c8"
* "name": "My Group 1"
* "slug": "my-group-1"
* "description": "Welcome to the group! You can connect with other members, get updates and share videos."
* "privacyStatus": "PUBLIC"
* "coverImage": {
* "imageUrl": "wix:image://v1/3aa9074e348009011fa9f2d2981a~mv2.jpg/kite.jpg#originWidth=827&originHeight=445",
* "position": {
* "x": 160,
* "y": 13
* }
* }
* "memberTitle": "Members"
* "memberCount": 20
* "settings": {
* "groupUpdatePostEnabled": true
* "membersCanApprove": false
* "membersCanInvite": true
* "showMemberList": true
* "welcomeMemberPostEnabled": true
* }
* "lastActivityDate": "Sun Sep 26 2021 08:23:23 GMT+0300"
* "_createdDate": "Tues January 22 2020 12:56:02 GMT+0300"
* "_updatedDate": "Fri October 2 2021 04:56:22 GMT+0300"
* "owner": "9ne8e9e1-d050-4c86-9684-e7f231600a34"
* }
This method doesn’t return any custom errors, but may return standard errors. Learn more about standard Wix errors.