Updates a group.
The updateGroup()
function returns a Promise that resolves to the updated group.
Only site admins and group admins can update their group.
Only the fields in the groupInfo
object parameter can be updated. Specify which fields to update. Unspecified fields remain the same.
option is set to true
, all permissions are overwritten, and all site members (including non-group members) can update a group.privacyStatus
is updated from PRIVATE
, all pending join requests for that group are automatically approved.privacyStatus
is updated from PRIVATE
, all pending join requests for that group are automatically rejected.function updateGroup(
groupId: string,
groupInfo: GroupInfoUpdate,
options: Options,
): Promise<Group>;
ID of group to update.
Group information to update.
Authorization options.
import { Permissions, webMethod } from "wix-web-module";
import { groups } from "wix-groups-backend";
// Sample groupId value:
// '83636377-b415-4ebe-ba41-df338c5ad6b7'
// Sample groupInfo value:
// {
// name: 'My Updated Group',
// description: 'This is my updated group about cats.',
// }
export const myUpdateGroupFunction = webMethod(
(groupId, groupInfo) => {
return groups
.updateGroup(groupId, groupInfo)
.then((updatedGroup) => {
const updatedGroupName = updatedGroup.name;
const updatedGroupDescription = updatedGroup.description;
return updatedGroup;
.catch((error) => {
/* Promise resolves to:
* {
* "_id": "83636377-b415-4ebe-ba41-df338c5ad6b7"
* "name": "My Updated Group"
* "slug": my-updated-group
* "description": "This is my new group about cats."
* "privacyStatus": "PUBLIC"
* "coverImage": {
* "imageUrl": "wix:image://v1/vcc6074e348009011fa9f2d29kk7~mv2.jpg/maple.jpg#originWidth=999&originHeight=240",
* "position": {
* "x": 30,
* "y": 225
* }
* }
* "memberTitle": "Members"
* "memberCount": 250
* "settings": {
* "groupUpdatePostEnabled": true
* "membersCanApprove": false
* "membersCanInvite": true
* "showMemberList": true
* "welcomeMemberPostEnabled": true
* }
* "lastActivityDate": "Wed Nov 29 2021 18:23:23 GMT+0300"
* "_createdDate": "Tues Jan 22 2020 12:56:02 GMT+0300"
* "_updatedDate": "Wed Nov 29 2021 18:23:23 GMT+0300"
* "owner": "9ne8e9e1-d050-4c86-9684-e7f231600a34"
* }
This method doesn’t return any custom errors, but may return standard errors. Learn more about standard Wix errors.