
Note: This module is universal. Functions in this module can run on both the backend and frontend, unless specified otherwise.

The JoinGroupRequests API provides functionality for managing requests to join a group.


  • This module is only relevant for private groups.
  • When a group's privacyStatus is updated from PRIVATE to PUBLIC, all pending join requests for that group are automatically approved.
  • When a group's privacyStatus is updated from PRIVATE to SECRET, all pending join requests for that group are automatically rejected.
  • A site member can only join a group if they have a public profile.

Settings for a typical use case

  • Group members with group admin permissions determine who can join their group by setting their group privacy level.
  • If a group's privacy level is set to PRIVATE, a site member can request to join the group on your site's Groups List page.
  • Only site admins or group admins can approve or reject site member requests to join the group, unless the group setting membersCanApprove is set to true.
  • Note: If the wix-auth elevate() function is used, all permissions are overridden,, and all site members (including non-group members) can approve or reject site member requests to join a group.
  • When a site member's request to join the group is approved, the member is added to the group.
  • If a group's privacy level is set to PUBLIC, a site member can join the group (no request necessary).
  • If a group's privacy level is set to SECRET, only site members added by an existing group member can join the group (no request necessary).

The JoinGroupRequests API provides functionality allowing you to:

  • Approve requests to join a group.
  • List requests to join a group.
  • Query requests to join a group.
  • Reject requests to join a group.

Permissions information

Permission requirements for the functions in this API can be overridden using the wix-auth elevate() function. This will have the following effects:

Warning: Elevating a function allows it to be called by any site visitor. Exercise caution to prevent security vulnerabilities.

To use the JoinGroupRequests API, import JoinGroupRequests from the wix-groups-v2 module:

import { JoinGroupRequests } from "wix-groups-v2";
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