To process payments on your site, first set up your site to accept payments as described in About Accepting Payments. When setting up your site to accept payments, be sure to select the payment methods you want to offer and set your payment currency. You can also set up a list of alternative currencies to display your prices in. Use the currency objects and the currency conversion dropdown element to set up and display product prices in different currencies.
The following list outlines the steps taken in a typical payment lifecycle:
object containing information about
the payment, such as the payment amount, is created in the backend function.createPayment()
using the
object and returns the generated
object to the calling client-side event handler.startPayment()
function with the id from the Payment
object, which opens
the payment popup on your site.PaymentResult
event.To use the Pay API, import wixPayFrontend
from the wix-pay-frontend
import wixPayFrontend from "wix-pay-frontend";
Note: To work with the Pay API, you need to save and publish your site.