arrangePlans( )

Deprecated. This function has been deprecated. Changes the display order of the pricing plans on the site page and in the Dashboard.

The arrangePlans() function returns a Promise that resolves when the plans are rearranged on the site page and in the Dashboard.

To rearrange the order of the plans, provide a list of IDs for all non-archived plans in the desired order, including hidden plans.

Only users with "Manage Pricing Plans" permissions can arrange plans.

Note: Make sure to provide all non-archived plan IDs to avoid unpredictable results.

Method Declaration
function arrangePlans(ids: Array<string>): Promise<void>;
Method Parameters

IDs of all non-archived plans in the order you want them arranged.

Arrange plans
import { Permissions, webMethod } from "wix-web-module"; import wixPricingPlansBackend from "wix-pricing-plans-backend"; export const myArrangePlansFunction = webMethod(Permissions.Anyone, () => { const ids = [ "23b345b6-c78d-9012-e3f4-567g89h0i01k", "3fb6a3c8-988b-7895-04bd-5c59ae0b18ea", "3fb6a3c8-988b-7896-04bd-6c69ae0b18eb", "4bb6a3c8-877b-7896-10ca-6c69ae0b18eb", ]; return wixPricingPlansBackend .arrangePlans(ids) .then(() => { console.log("Plans rearranged"); }) .catch((error) => { console.error(error); }); }); // Returns a promise that resolves to void

This method doesn’t return any custom errors, but may return standard errors. Learn more about standard Wix errors.

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