onOrderResumed( )

An event that triggers when an order resumes.

The onOrderResumed() event handler runs when an order resumes. The received OrderResumedEvent object contains information about the order that is resumed.

Note: Backend events don't work when previewing your site.

Method Declaration
function onOrderResumed(event: OrderResumedEvent): void;
Method Parameters

Information about the order that is resumed and metadata for the event.

An event triggered when an order resumes
// Place this code in the events.js file // of your site's Backend section. // Add the file if it doesn't exist. export function wixPricingPlans_onOrderResumed(event) { const orderId = event.data.order._id; const eventId = event.metadata.id; const eventTime = event.metadata.eventTime; } /* Full event object: * { * "metadata": { * "id":"1bae9a9d-814d-41c3-b329-b40120302494", * "entityId":"066da054-3a62-4629-be0c-055ff5278f54", * "eventTime":"2022-07-26T15:45:28.557397Z", * "triggeredByAnonymizeRequest":false * }, * "data": { * "order": { * "_id":"066da054-3a62-4629-be0c-055ff5278f54", * "planId":"099e2c86-3b7e-4477-8c27-f77402b8cceb", * "subscriptionId":"f30ad1c0-604f-4542-93e3-22b174159eac", * "wixPayOrderId":"ee63dd97-3250-4fb9-afec-807d074bb682", * "buyer": { * "memberId":"ea3d74df-b7dc-4ca1-a7c9-c416b9017a86", * "contactId":"ea3d74df-b7dc-4ca1-a7c9-c416b9017a86" * }, * "priceDetails": { * "subtotal":"74.99", * "discount":"0", * "total":"74.99", * "planPrice":"74.99", * "currency":"EUR", * "subscription": { * "cycleDuration": { * "count":1, * "unit":"MONTH" * }, * "cycleCount":3 * }}, * "pricing": { * "subscription": { * "cycleDuration": { * "count":1, * "unit":"MONTH" * }, * "cycleCount":3 * }, * "prices": [{ * "duration": { * "cycleFrom":1, * "numberOfCycles":3 * }, * "price": { * "subtotal":"74.99", * "discount":"0", * "total":"74.99", * "currency":"EUR" * } * }]}, * "type":"OFFLINE", * "orderMethod":"UNKNOWN", * "status":"ACTIVE", * "autoRenewCanceled":false, * "lastPaymentStatus":"PAID", * "startDate":"2022-07-26T14:14:36.346Z", * "endDate":"2022-10-26T14:14:47.395Z", * "pausePeriods": [{ * "status":"ENDED", * "pauseDate":"2022-07-26T15:45:17.391Z", * "resumeDate":"2022-07-26T15:45:28.440Z" * }], * "earliestEndDate":"2022-10-26T14:14:47.395Z", * "currentCycle":{"index":1, * "startedDate":"2022-07-26T14:14:36.346Z", * "endedDate":"2022-08-26T14:14:47.395Z" * }, * "planName":"Platinum Pro", * "planDescription":"", * "planPrice":"74.99", * "_createdDate":"2022-07-26T14:14:36.346Z", * "_updatedDate":"2022-07-26T15:45:17.391Z" * } * } * } */

This method doesn’t return any custom errors, but may return standard errors. Learn more about standard Wix errors.

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