
To use the SEO API, import wixSeoFrontend from the wix-seo-frontend module:

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Gets the page's SEO-related meta tags.

The metaTags property retrieves the SEO-related meta tags from the head of the page.

The keys in the returned metaTags objects represent the keys in the tag, while the values in the object represent the values in the tag.

For example:

{ "property": "og:image", "content": "https://.../Wix+logo.jpg" }


Note: You should always invoke the wixSeoFrontend.metaTags getter outside of the onReady() event handler to ensure receiving the proper response.

Get a page's meta tags
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Gets the page's structured data.

The structured data on your page helps search engines understand more about your page and your business so they can display a richer snippet of your pages in search results.

Set the structured data with a list of structured data objects in the JSON-LD format as defined by

Note: You should always invoke the wixSeoFrontend.structuredData getter outside of the onReady() event handler to ensure receiving the proper response.

Get a page's structured data
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Gets the page's title.

The title is an important factor that lets search engines determine the topic of a page.

Note: You should always invoke the wixSeoFrontend.title getter outside of the onReady() event handler to ensure receiving the proper response.

Get the SEO title
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setMetaTags( )

Sets the page's SEO-related meta tags.

The setMetaTags() function creates SEO-related meta tags in the head of the page.

The keys in the specified metaTags objects represent the keys in the tag, while the values in the metaTags object represent the values in the tag.

For example:



When setting og:image meta tags, the content can be and external image URL or a Media Manager image URL as described here.

The meta tags you set overwrite any meta tag information set earlier.


  • Do not use setMetaTags() to create tags for the title. Use the setTitle() function instead.

  • You should always set the metaTags inside the onReady() event handler to ensure search engines can read it.

Method Declaration
Method Parameters

The meta tags to set.

Set a page's meta tags
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setStructuredData( )

Sets the page's structured data.

The structured data on your page helps search engines understand more about your page and your business so they can display a richer snippet of your pages in search results.

The structured data you set overwrites any structured data information set earlier.

Note: You should always set the structured data inside the onReady() event handler to ensure search engines can read it.

Method Declaration
function setStructuredData(structuredData: Array<object>): Promise<void>;
Method Parameters

List of structured data objects in the JSON-LD format as defined by

Set a page's structured data
import wixSeoFrontend from "wix-seo-frontend"; // ... $w.onReady(() => { wixSeoFrontend .setStructuredData([ { "@context": "", "@type": "Organization", name: "My Organization Name", url: "", }, { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", email: "", jobTitle: "Professor", name: "John Doe", telephone: "(555) 555-555", }, ]) .then(() => { console.log("structured data set"); }) .catch(() => { console.log("failed setting structured data"); }); });
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