updateLineItemQuantity( )

Deprecated. This function will continue to work, but a newer version is available at wix-ecom-backend.currentCart.updateCurrentCartLineItemQuantity().

Migration Instructions

If this function is already in your code, it will continue to work. To stay compatible with future changes, migrate to wix-ecom-backend.currentCart.updateCurrentCartLineItemQuantity().

To migrate to the new function:

  1. Add the new import statement:

    import { currentCart } from "wix-ecom-backend";
  2. Look for any code that uses cart.updateLineItemQuantity(), and replace it with currentCart.updateCurrentCartLineItemQuantity(). Update your code to work with the new currentCart.updateCurrentCartLineItemQuantity() call and response properties.

Updates the quantity of a specified line item in the cart.

The updateLineItemQuantity() function returns a Promise that resolves to the current site visitor's cart when the specified line item's quantity has been updated.

Note: When editing a site as a contributor, updateLineItemQuantity() will only work when viewing the live site.

Method Declaration
function updateLineItemQuantity(
  cartLineItemId: number,
  quantity: number,
): Promise<CartObj>;
Method Parameters

ID of the cart line item to update.


Line item's new quantity.

Return Type:Promise<CartObj>
Update the quantity of a cart's line item

This example uses a deprecated function.

import { cart } from "wix-stores-frontend"; const cartLineItemId = 2; const quantity = 10; cart .updateLineItemQuantity(cartLineItemId, quantity) .then((updatedCart) => { // Cart line item's quantity updated const cartId = updatedCart._id; const updatedLineItems = updatedCart.lineItems; }) .catch((error) => { // Cart line item's quantity not updated console.log(error); }); /* Example of returned updatedCart object: * * { * "_id": "b36eb035-635a-450e-b74d-acf86ee4dfcc", * "appliedCoupon": { * "couponId": "e81e9c48-f954-4044-ba64-ccfe5c103c8f", * "name": "Summer Sale", * "code": "SummerSale", * "discountValue": "$10.00", * "couponType": "MoneyOff" * }, * "billingAddress": { * "firstName": "John", * "lastName": "Doe", * "email":"john.doe@somedomain.com", * "phone":"5555555", * "address":"235 West 23rd Street\nNew York, New York 10011\nUnited States" * }, * "buyerNote": "This is a note from the buyer.", * "buyerInfo":{ * "firstName": "John", * "lastName": "Doe", * "email": "john.doe@somedomain.com", * "phone": "5555555555", * "identityType": "CONTACT" * }, * "status": "INCOMPLETE", * "currency": { * "code": "USD", * "symbol": "$" * }, * "shippingInfo": { * "deliveryOption": "Free Shipping", * "shippingAddress": { * "firstName": "John", * "lastName": "Doe", * "email":"john.doe@somedomain.com", * "phone":"5555555", * "address":"235 West 23rd Street\nNew York, New York 10011\nUnited States" * }, * "pickupDetails":null * }, * "lineItems":[ * { * "quantity": 1, * "price": 120, * "name": "A product", * "productId": "a668ef33-f5b8-6569-d04c-1d123be68441", * "totalPrice": 120, * "lineItemType": "PHYSICAL", * "customTextFields": [ * "title": "Custom Field", * "value": "Custom value" * ], * "mediaItem": { * "src": "wix:image://v1/a9ff3b_ed3b544c319b4fad9c222c791a997832.jpg/file.jpg#originWidth=1000&originHeight=1000", * "type": "IMAGE" * }, * "sku": "21554345656", * "options": [ ], * "weight": 3, * "id": 1 * }, * { * "quantity": 10, * "price": 25, * "name": "Another product", * "productId": "1a2d7e83-4bef-31d5-09e1-3326ee271c09", * "totalPrice": 25, * "lineItemType": "PHYSICAL", * "mediaItem": { * "src": "wix:image://v1/a9ff3b_c6158b4d41784ae8b08337a331e1de7f.jpg/file.jpg#originWidth=1000&originHeight=1000", * "type": "IMAGE" * }, * "sku": "217537123517253", * "options": [ * { * "option": "Size", * "selection": "Medium" * }, * { * "option": "Color", * "selection": "Black" * } * ], * "weight": 2, * "id": 2 * } * ], * "totals": { * "discount": 0, * "quantity": 2, * "shipping": 0, * "subtotal": 145, * "tax": 0, * "total": 145, * "weight": 5 * }, * "weightUnit": "LB" * } */

This method doesn’t return any custom errors, but may return standard errors. Learn more about standard Wix errors.

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