Wix Blocks Glossary

Wix Blocks is open to all Wix Studio users. To access Blocks, go to Custom Apps in your Studio workspace.

In this article, you can find definitions, synonyms, related links, and locations of many terms used within the Wix Blocks environment. Search this page to find the word or phrase you require.

Action Bar

Definition: The floating menu that appears in the Wix Editors when a widget or its elements are clicked.

Related links: Configuring Action Bars

Where**:** Editor Experience, Configuration Tab

Action Buttons

AKA: Action bar button, system button

Definition: The buttons of an action bar.

Related links: Configuring Action Bars

Where: Editor Experience, Configuration Tab

App Dependencies

Definition: Other Wix apps that are required for the Blocks app to function on a site.

Where: Top Bar Menu

Backend Code

Definition: Create JavaScript files, web modules, and other files for use in the backend, and organize these files in folders.

Related links: Add code files to your app

Where: Code Tab, Public & Backend


Definition: Blocks is an independent Editor where you can create web applications to use on Wix sites.

Related links: Blocks unboxed: a Quick Tour

Blocks Apps

AKA: Custom Apps

Definition: Reusable web apps for use on Wix sites that are built on Blocks, using native Wix elements. Blocks apps can contain widgets with responsive UI, code files, database collections and a dashboard page.

Related links: Blocks unboxed: a quick tour

Code Packages

AKA: Code Files, Public & Backend Files

Definition: Code libraries that you can reuse across multiple sites that allow you to add specific functionality to your site.

Related links: Add code files to your app

Where: Code Tab, Public & Backend



AKA: Databases, CMS

Definition: A way to store and manage data in your app.

Related links: Collections in Blocks

Where: Code tab, Databases


AKA: Widget Behavior, Editor Experience

Definition: Defining the site builder's experience when interacting with the widget in the Wix Editors. For example, which widget elements can be selected or removed, and what buttons are available in the action bar.

Related links: About Configuration in Blocks

Where in product: Editor Experience, Configuration Tab

Configuration File

AKA: config.json

Definition: You can add a config.json file to define settings that affect how the app works on a specific site. These settings typically vary from site to site, so the file you provide contains default settings that you can edit for each site.

Related links: Add a configuration file

Where: Code Tab, Public & Backend

Connect to theme

Definition: Defining the widget elements so that they connect automatically to the theme of any site the widget is installed on.

Related links: About themes in Blocks

Where: Widgets and Design


AKA: Installed apps

Definition: The whole experience of using the app on a site. Installing it, updating app versions, changing layout, hiding or removing elements etc.

Where in the product: The Wix Editors

Custom Apps

AKA: Blocks Apps, Private Apps

Definition: Blocks apps that you created or collaborated in, are called Custom Apps in the Wix Editors and the Studio Workspace.

Where: The Wix Editors, The Studio Workspace

Custom Element

Definition: Embed your own custom HTML element into your widget using an external source.

Related links: About Custom Elements in Blocks

Where in product: Add Elements > Embed

Custom Panels

Definition: Panels that were built in the Blocks Panels tab (as opposed to default ones).

Related links: Designing custom panels

Where: Editor Experience, Custom Panels Tab

Design Presets

Definition: Different design and layout options for one widget. The functionality remains the same across the different designs.

Related links: About Design Presets

Where: Widgets and Design, Design Presets

Display name

Definition: The name of the widget and elements that appear when the widget is added to the Wix Editors. Display names can be defined in the Configuration tab. Note that this is not the Velo Element ID.

Related links:  Configuring widget display names and behavior

Where: Editor Experience, Inspector Panel 


AKA: Design elements, Components, UI Elements, Editor Elements

Definition: The basic building blocks of your widget: text elements, buttons, images, user input fields and more.

Where: Add Elements + Panel


Definition: API events can be fired by the widget when a certain condition is met. They can then be caught by event handlers in the site where the widget is installed.

Related links: Adding a New Event to Your Widget

Where: Blocks IDE


Definition: Adding your Blocks app to a Wix site.

Related links: Install a Blocks App on a Site

Where: In the Wix Editors (under Custom Apps)

Major Version

Definition: A "major" version or release of your app is done when you've made bigger, breaking changes to your app that can impact app compatibility wherever the app is installed. This is required for your first real build (not test) and after cases like adding an app dependency for example.

Related links: About App Versions

Where: When Building

Minor Version

Definition: A "minor" version or release is done when you've made small changes to your app that won't break app compatibility wherever this app is installed.

Related links: About App Versions

Where: When Building


Definition: The feature used to translate Blocks apps for use in other languages.

Related links: Translating your app

Where: WixBlocks Logo, The App Menu

My Apps / My Widgets

AKA: Custom App Widgets

Definition: Any apps you have installed or built with Wix Blocks

Related links: Install a Blocks App on a Site

Where: The Wix Editors


AKA: Import name

Definition: A namespace is required for importing the app’s backend and public functions, as well as content collections in the Editors and in the app’s code in Blocks.

Related links: Creating a namespace for your App

Where: Prompted when building an app after adding collections or code files

Nested Widget

AKA: Widget in Widget

Definition: Two widgets (from the same app) where one is inserted inside the other. Eg. A button widget inside a form widget.

Related links: Add Nested Widgets in Blocks

Where: Widgets and Design Menu 

Panel Elements

Definition: The UI elements of a custom panel (buttons, dividers, text inputs, etc) that are used to control a widget's or element's settings. These elements are different from the regular Wix elements used in the Wix Editor.

Related links: Panel Elements in Blocks

Where: Editor Experience, Custom Panels Tab panel 


Definition: The pop-up window that opens when an action bar button is clicked and gives site builders control over a widget or element's settings. For example, when you click Design the design panel opens.

Related links: Configuring action bars

Where: The panels open in the Wix Editors, when a site builder configures the widget


AKA: Site Plugin

Definition: The ability for site builders to add a plugin into a dedicated container (or slot). This allows site builders to extend the functionality of their app. Usually used to extend Wix business solution apps.

Where: Widgets and Design, Add Plugin

Related links: Build a Site Plugin in Blocks


AKA: Widget Properties, Widget API Properties, Props

Definition: Certain choices that the app builder gives to the site builder regarding the widget. The properties can be changed from the widget's Settings panel, from a custom panel, from a dashboard page or from the site's code.

Related links: Working with Widget API Properties

Where: Widget IDE

Public Code

Definition: Public files contain exported functions that can be imported and called anywhere on a website.

Related links: Add code files to your app

Where: Code, Public & Backend or Widget IDE

Public API Functions

Definition: The widget creator can expose API functions that can be called by the code of the page where the widget is added.

Related links: Widget Functions

Where in product: Widget IDE

Remove and restore elements

AKA: Add, hide, delete

Definition: Site builders can choose which widget elements are displayed on their site using the Add Elements panel, which is available from the action bar. You can configure elements as non-selectable or non-removable in the Editor Experience, Configuration tab.

Related Links: Configure widget and element behavior

Where in product: The Editors, Editor Experience, Configuration Tab

Roles & Permissions

AKA: Collaborators

Definition: Giving other Wix users or Teams access to view/edit your app in Blocks and to install it on their Wix sites.

Related links: Manage Collaborators in Blocks

Where: Wix Blocks Logo, App Menu

Site Builder

Definition: Person who installs and modifies the Blocks app on a Wix Site.

Site themes

AKA: Site Styles

Definition: The color and typography theme on the sites that the Blocks app will be installed on. When designing your app, it's important to connect it to a theme, so it blends on sites with different themes. You can test how your app looks across different themes in Preview mode in Blocks.

Related links: Site Themes

Where: Widgets and Design, Preview, Wix Editors

Site Visitor

AKA: User of user

Definition: The person who uses the Blocks app that's installed on a Wix site. Since your user as an app builder is the site builder, the site visitor is your "user of user".

Test Version

Definition: A test version of your app is used to check functionality of your app before installing it on a live site. Testing is usually done on a test site.

Related links: Create and Manage a Test Version in Blocks

Where : When Building


AKA: Site Widget, App UI

Definition: Widgets build your app's User Interface (UI). They are the part of the app the site visitor interacts with. Widgets are usually composed of elements like buttons and input fields, as well as settings panels and action bars. Every app can have several widgets. For example, a booking form widget, countdown timer or a customized menu.

Related links: Blocks widgets

Where: Widgets and Design Menu in Blocks & App Widgets Menu in the Editors Add Panel.

Widget API

Definition: The widget's properties, functions and events, exposed by the app creator and enabling site builders to interact with the widget.

Related links: About the Widget API

Where: Widget IDE

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