Wix Stores: Inventory Page

The Inventory page has 4 plugin slots: 1 dashboard, and 3 dashboard menu. Slots are the placeholders in the UI for plugins. When configuring the plugin in the App Dashboard, use the slot ID as the value for the required extends field.

Location in Dashboard

Catalog > Store Products > Inventory

Dashboard plugin slots

The Stores Inventory page features 1 dashboard plugin slot.

Slot 1: Inventory page

The inventory page dashboard plugin slot is positioned above the inventory list.

Inventory page slot

Sample use case

Add a plugin to the Inventory page that sums the total number of available items in each product category.


When configuring the dashboard plugin in your app's dashboard, use the following slot ID for the extends property:

slot ID: c9b19070-3e25-4f3d-9d27-4e0f74164835

For example:

{ "hostingPlatform": "BUSINESS_MANAGER", "extends": "c9b19070-3e25-4f3d-9d27-4e0f74164835", "description": "Dashboard Plugin on the Inventory page.", "title": "Inventory Page Dashboard Plugin", "height": 400, "iframeUrl": "https://www.example.com", "componentName": "Inventory Page Plugin" }

Important: The hosting platform must be BUSINESS_MANAGER.

Interaction between the dashboard page and your plugin

Apps built by Wix can pass data from built-in dashboard page slots to your plugin. Learn how to use the Wix SDK to interact with and retrieve data from the dashboard.

Multiple plugins in the same slot

This plugin slot can host multiple plugins.

Dashboard plugins added to this slot are displayed horizontally by creation date, with the newest plugin displayed furthest left.

Dashboard menu plugin slots

The Inventory page features 3 dashboard menu plugin slots.

Slot 2: Inventory item menu action

This dashboard menu plugin slot is located in each inventory item's more actions menu:

Inventory item menu action

Sample use case

Add a plugin to the more actions menu that opens a modal with a product quick view.


Use the following slot ID for the extends property in your dashboard plugin's configuration in your app's dashboard:

slot ID: 1b9742f8-2b93-4e66-85f2-47289bf548bb

For example:

{ "hostingPlatform": "BUSINESS_MANAGER", "extends": "1b9742f8-2b93-4e66-85f2-47289bf548bb", "description": "Inventory Item Menu Action Plugin.", "title": "Show Quick View", "action": { "openModal": { "componentId": "36bceb0e-5ac3-4b12-a40d-df0bf5e8dc89", "componentParams": {} } }, "componentName": "My Show Product Quick View Item Menu Plugin" }

Important: The hosting platform must be BUSINESS_MANAGER.

Interaction between the dashboard page and your plugin

Apps built by Wix pass parameters via dashboard slots for you to utilize in your plugin's functionality. Learn how to interact with and retrieve parameters from the dashboard page.

This slot passes the following parameters:

selectedIdstringWhen the item is the default product version, the value is ${productId}. When the item is a variant, the value is ${productId}_${variantId}

Multiple dashboard plugins in the same slot

This plugin slot can host multiple plugins.

Dashboard menu plugins added to this slot are displayed vertically by creation date, with the latest plugin added at the bottom.

Slot 3: Global more actions menu

This dashboard menu plugin slot is located in the global more actions menu at the top of the page. It can contain action items that perform actions on the entire page, all products, all variants, or any combination of items.

Note: The global more actions menu is only visible when at least one plugin is added to its built-in slot.

Global More actions menu

Sample use case

Add a plugin that allows users to export their inventory items to a CSV file.


Use the following slot ID for the extends property in your dashboard plugin's configuration in your app's dashboard:

slot ID: b9e4104f-9beb-4258-8bdb-6a34d6bf7fd0

For example:

{ "hostingPlatform": "BUSINESS_MANAGER", "extends": "b9e4104f-9beb-4258-8bdb-6a34d6bf7fd0", "description": "Global More Actions Plugin", "title": "Export Inventory", "action": { "openModal": { "componentId": "36bceb0e-5ac3-4b12-a40d-df0bf5e8dc89", "componentParams": {} } }, "componentName": "My Export Inventory Plugin" }

Important: The hosting platform must be BUSINESS_MANAGER.

Interaction between the dashboard page and your plugin

Apps built by Wix can pass data from built-in dashboard page slots to your plugin. Learn how to use the Wix SDK to interact with and retrieve data from the dashboard.

Multiple dashboard plugins in the same slot

This plugin slot can host multiple plugins.

Dashboard plugins added to this slot are displayed vertically by creation date, with the latest plugin on top.

Slot 4: Bulk more actions menu

This dashboard menu plugin slot is located in the more actions menu of the bulk actions toolbar. It can contain items that perform bulk actions on all selected items.

Note: The bulk action toolbar appears when at least 1 product is selected. Its more actions menu appears when at least 1 plugin is added to its built-in slot.

Bulk more actions menu

Sample use case

Add a plugin that allows users to perform bulk actions on all selected items, such as syncing the Wix Stores inventory with an external inventory.


Use the following slot ID for the extends property in your dashboard plugin's configuration in your app's dashboard:

slot ID: b9f2ad03-7407-48d9-9e89-fe2f2df63e8a

For example:

{ "hostingPlatform": "BUSINESS_MANAGER", "extends": "b9f2ad03-7407-48d9-9e89-fe2f2df63e8a", "description": "Bulk More Actions Plugin", "title": "Bulk Sync Inventory", "action": { "openModal": { "componentId": "36bceb0e-5ac3-4b12-a40d-df0bf5e8dc89", "componentParams": {} } }, "componentName": "My Bulk Sync Inventory Plugin" }

Important: The hosting platform must be BUSINESS_MANAGER.

Interaction between the dashboard page and your plugin

Apps built by Wix pass parameters via dashboard slots for you to utilize in your plugin's functionality. Learn how to interact with and retrieve parameters from the dashboard page.

This slot passes the following parameters:

selectedIdsarray of stringsArray of IDs of selected items.
allSelectedbooleanWhether the Select All checkbox was selected.
uncheckedIdsarray of stringsWhen allSelected is true, an array of IDs of items that were manually deselected.
totalnumberTotal number of selected items.

Multiple dashboard plugins in the same slot

This plugin slot can host multiple plugins.

Dashboard plugins added to this slot are displayed vertically by creation date, with the latest plugin on top.

Wix APIs

You can implement logic in your plugin using the Wix Stores APIs:

Slot IDs

Inventory page pluginc9b19070-3e25-4f3d-9d27-4e0f74164835
Inventory item menu action1b9742f8-2b93-4e66-85f2-47289bf548bbselectedId
Global more actions menu slotb9e4104f-9beb-4258-8bdb-6a34d6bf7fd0
Bulk action in the bulk more actions menub9f2ad03-7407-48d9-9e89-fe2f2df63e8aselectedIds, allSelected, uncheckedIds, total

See also

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