iframe Query Parameters for Dashboard Extensions

When a user accesses your self-hosted iframe dashboard extension through a client-side action, Wix provides you with the following query parameters:

endpointThe Dashboard URL, as provided in your app's dashboard.
instanceThe signed app instance.The app instance ID (instanceId) is the unique identifier of your app within a specific user's website.
localeCurrent local value.This is the browser's language identified with two characters. For example, English = en.
cacheKillerEnsures no caching of the iframe content by the host browser.This is a randomly generated number to ensure the browser hasn't seen this URL before.
viewModeWill only get 'dashboard' as it's an iframe dashboard extension.
isPublishBoolean indicating if the site is published.
containerProtocolIndicates if it's HTTP or HTTPS.
siteUrlThe address of the site to which the app belongs.Relevant only if the site has already been published.
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