Wix eCommerce: Orders Page

The eCommerce Orders page has a dashboard menu plugin slot. Slots are the placeholders in the UI for plugins. The slot ID is the value for the required extends field when configuring the plugin in the App Dashboard.

Location in dashboard

Sales > Orders

To test your plugin on a site, do the following:

  • Install any Wix app that integrates with the Wix eCommerce platform. For example, Wix Stores.
  • Add a new order manually, or let a customer generate the order (for example, by purchasing a product).
  • Click on the order, and then click More Actions in the bulk actions toolbar that appears above the orders list.

Dashboard menu plugin slots

The eCommerce Orders page features a dashboard menu plugin slot.

Slot: Bulk action toolbar's More Actions menu

This dashboard menu plugin slot is located in the More Actions menu of the bulk actions toolbar. The bulk action toolbar appears when at least 1 product is selected.

Sample use case

Add a menu item that enables site owners to manage custom fees for orders. This can provide merchants with the ability to add or remove order fees according to your custom logic.


Use the following slot ID for the extends property in your dashboard plugin's configuration in your app's dashboard:

slot ID: 057f1726-f0b3-40ef-8903-1bd104e18369

For example:



  • The hosting platform must be "BUSINESS_MANAGER".
  • Each slot must include an icon to comply with Wix's style requirements. Provide the icon's name as the value for "iconKey".

Interaction between the dashboard page and your plugin

Apps built by Wix pass parameters via dashboard slots for you to utilize in your plugin's functionality. Learn how to interact with and retrieve parameters from the dashboard page.

This slot passes the following parameters:

selectedIdsstring[]An array of IDs representing the orders that have been selected.
uncheckedIdsstring[]An array of IDs representing the orders that have been unchecked. Applicable only when the "Select All" option was selected.
isSelectAllbooleanA boolean value indicating whether the "Select All" option was selected.
totalnumberThe total number of orders that were selected.
onSuccess()()=>Promise<void>Callback that notifies the host after successful handling of the flow associated with the new menu item.

Multiple plugins in the same slot

This plugin slot can host multiple plugins.

The plugins are displayed vertically and ordered by date created, with the most recently created plugin displayed at the bottom.

Slot IDs

Bulk action toolbar's More Actions menu3172f3e2-236f-41db-84ca-a744e5edfcd9selectedIds, uncheckedIds, isSelectAll, total, onSuccess()

See also

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