Dashboard Menu Plugin Extension Files and Code

In your app project, the configuration files for dashboard menu plugins are located in the src/dashboard/menu-plugins folder.

Each menu plugin is defined in its own subfolder with the name you provided during the installation process. Each subfolder contains one file, plugin.json, that has the plugin configuration details.

Extension configuration metadata (plugin.json)

The plugin.json file contains the dashboard menu plugin configuration details. You can edit its field manually to modify its appearance or behavior. However, do not change the extension's id field, as this is auto-generated by Wix and must remain unique across all extensions.

idStringExtension's unique identifier. The ID is used to register the menu plugin in the app dashboard and must be unique across all extensions in the app.
titleStringText of the menu item the extension adds.
subtitleStringSecondary text that appears in the menu just below the title.
iconKeyStringIcon that appears next to your extension's title. Select a normal-size icon from the Wix Design System and paste its name.
extendsStringSlot ID into which the extension plugs in. Find the relevant dashboard slot for your app.
actionObjectNavigation configuration object that determines the action taken when the extension is clicked. Possible values are either openModal or navigateToPage.
action.openModalObjectDashboard modal configuration object. Contains the ID of the dashboard modal to display when the extension's menu item is clicked, along with additional parameters.
action.openModal.componentIdStringID of the dashboard modal to display when the extension's menu item is clicked.
action.openModal.componentParamsObjectAdditional configuration parameters you can pass to the dashboard modal. Note that if an additional parameter shares a name with a parameter passed by the slot, the additional parameter overrides the slot's parameter.
action.navigateToPageObjectPage navigation configuration object. Contains the ID of the target dashboard page, as well as additional configuration parameters.
action.navigateToPage.pageIdStringID of the dashboard page to which site administrators are directed.
action.navigateToPage.relativeUrlStringURI segment appended to the base URI of the target dashboard page. It can include path segments, search parameters, and hash information.

Here's an example plugin.json file:

{ "id": "e357ba12-da11-4bb3-b5db-45921fcb36e4", "title": "Activity Statistics", "subtitle": "Show a graph of recent activity", "iconKey": "Activity", "extends": "084a82b9-c9a5-4bb0-bf82-e071f2f79d2a", "action": { // One of: "openModal": { "componentId": "9157ba1d-da11-4bb3-a5db-45911fcb36e5", "componentParams": { "origin": "calendar-page" } }, "navigateToPage": { "pageId": "e357ba12-da11-4bb3-b5db-45921fcb36e4", "relativeUrl": "?origin=import-modal" } } }
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