There are several ways to earn revenue from your app, each with its own benefits. This article outlines the key concepts you should be familiar with to make the best decisions for your app’s pricing and billing.
A pricing plan is a package of benefits linked to a billing model, which users can select for purchase. For example, your app can offer a free plan with limited access to specific features, alongside a plan with a monthly or yearly fee for full access to all features. Each plan should be mapped to up to 4 benefits that users will enjoy when they purchase the plan.
Below is an example of several pricing plans, displayed in a Wix pricing page:

Each plan that charges a fee of any type requires a billing model that defines the amount that users pay for the plan and the frequency of the payments.
Wix supports the following models:
- Free: Completely free, with no hidden charges or single (also known as: one-time) fees in the plan. (You can always add a plan with a single billing model for those.)
- Single: Single upfront fee each time users use a service provided by the app. For example, a set fee send 100 SMSs. Single fee plans can’t be displayed in the Wix App Market listing or the Wix-hosted pricing page.
- Recurring (monthly and/or yearly): A stable, recurring fee that is billed monthly or yearly.
- Usage-based (monthly): A variable monthly fee based on actions taken within your app. For example, fees per emails sent in the last month, with or without a base monthly fee. Usage-based fees can’t be displayed in the Wix-hosted pricing page. App Market approval required.
- Custom: A variable fee charged immediately based on actions taken within your app. For example, shipping fees. App Market approval required.
Your app’s business model is what determines how your app will be labeled in the Wix App Market. The business model is a reflection of the set of billing models your app offers in its pricing plans.
Wix supports the following business models:
- Free: Completely free, with no hidden charges or single (also known as: one-time) fees.
- Freemium: One of the following combination types:
- A combination of plans that include a free plan, and at least one plan with a single and/or recurring (monthly or yearly) fee.
- A combination of plans that include a free plan, and at least one plan with a fee that varies month-to-month based on usage, with or without a base fee. App Market approval required.
- Premium: One of the following combination types:
- A combination of plans that include single and/or recurring (monthly or yearly) fee plans, with no free plan.
- One or more plans with a fee that varies month-to-month based on usage, with or without a base fee. App Market approval required.
- Pay as you go: One or more plans with a fee that is charged immediately upon usage, instead of monthly. For this model, your app will manage the billing collection externally. App Market approval required.
Here’s how the pricing plan billing models map to the corresponding business model for your app:

Wix offers a range of billing models specifically so that you can offer a range of billing options within your app. However, not all the billing models can work together. You can combine:
- Recurring and single plans (without usage-based)
- With a free plan = Freemium
- Without a free plan = Premium
- Usage-based and single plans (without recurring)
- With a free plan = Freemium
- Without a free plan = Premium
- Custom plans
- With a free plan = Pay as you go
- Without a free plan = Pay as you go
Wix will consider your business model when applying a label to your app’s listing in the App Market for marketing purposes. Labels include:
- “Free Plan Available”.
- “Free to Install”.
- “From < lowest price >”.
- “From < lowest price > / month”.
For example, an app that offers one free plan and one recurring model pricing plan aligns with the Freemium business model, and will be labeled “Free Plan Available” in the App Market.