Wix Bookings: Calendar Page

The Bookings Calendar page has 3 dashboard plugin slots: 1 dashboard, and 2 dashboard menu. Slots are the placeholders in the UI for plugins. The slot ID is the value for the required extends field when configuring the plugin in the App Dashboard.

Location in dashboard

Booking Calendar > Calendar

Dashboard plugin slots

The Order page features a dashboard plugin slot.

Slot 1: Pre-collect payment modal


This is a Wix eCommerce slot that appears on a Wix Bookings dashboard page.

The Collect Payment button menu has items that open a modal when selected. This dashboard menu plugin slot displays a custom modal after the site owner selects a menu item and before the default modal appears. The slot is rendered in the modal's overlay.

Sample use case

Add a menu item that allows site owners to add things to an order such as additional services, notes, or booking fees like insurance.


Use the following slot ID for the extends property in your dashboard plugin's configuration in your app's dashboard:

slot ID: b92f0e25-535f-4bef-b130-8e5abc85b2fe

For example:

{ "hostingPlatform": "BUSINESS_MANAGER", "extends": "b92f0e25-535f-4bef-b130-8e5abc85b2fe", "description": "Pre-Collect Payment Modal Dashboard Plugin in the Bookings Calendar.", "title": "Bookings Calendar Pre-Collect Payment Modal Plugin", "height": 400, "iframeUrl": "https://www.example.com", "componentName": "My Bookings Calendar Pre-Collect Payment Modal Dashboard Plugin" }

Important: The hosting platform must be "BUSINESS_MANAGER".

Interaction between the dashboard page and your plugin

Apps built by Wix pass parameters via dashboard slots for you to utilize in your plugin's functionality. Learn how to interact with and retrieve parameters from the dashboard page.

This slot passes the following parameters:

orderIdStringOrder ID.
onSuccess()()=>Promise<void>Callback to progress to the next modal (default or plugin modal) after a successful order update. Returns a promise indicating when the host UI update is complete.
onCancel()()=>voidCallback to progress to the next modal (default or plugin modal) without any changes.
menuOptionObjectThe menu item that was selected.
menuOption.keyStringKey of the menu item that was selected. Supported values: CHARGE_WITH_CREDIT_CARD, RECORD_ORDER_MANUAL_PAYMENT, CHARGE_WITH_INVOICE, EXTENSION
menuOption.componentIdStringComponent ID of the extension that was clicked. Only applies when the EXTENSION menu item key is implemented by another slot.

Multiple plugins in the same slot

This plugin slot can host multiple plugins.

The plugins are displayed sequentially, one modal after the other, before the default modal appears.

Dashboard menu plugin slots

The Bookings Calendar page features 2 dashboard menu plugin slots.

Slot 2: More actions menu

This dashboard menu plugin slot is located in the more actions menu in the booking calendar.

Sample use case

Add a meeting notes and agendas plugin to the Bookings Calendar's more action menu, enabling site owners to add notes and set agendas for events.


Use the following slot ID for the extends property in your dashboard menu plugin's configuration in your app's dashboard:

slot ID: f3ad314d-0704-48e5-86b5-81acaf43e036

For example:

{ "hostingPlatform": "BUSINESS_MANAGER", "extends": "f3ad314d-0704-48e5-86b5-81acaf43e036", "description": "Dashboard Menu Plugin on the Wix Bookings Calendar page.", "title": "Calendar Menu Plugin", "action": { "navigateToPage": { "pageId": "36bceb0e-5ac3-4b12-a40d-df0bf5e8dc89", "relativeUrl": "?home" } }, "componentName": "My Calendar Dashboard Menu Plugin" }

Important: The hosting platform must be "BUSINESS_MANAGER".

Interaction between the dashboard page and your plugin

Apps built by Wix can pass data, such as an ID, from the dashboard page to your plugin through a designated slot. Learn how to use the Wix SDK to interact with and retrieve data from the dashboard page. Learn how to use the Wix SDK to interact with and retrieve data from the dashboard page.

Slot 3: Collect Payment button menu


This is a Wix eCommerce slot that appears on a Wix Bookings dashboard page.

This dashboard menu plugin slot is located in the Collect Payment button's menu which appears when the booking on the calendar is clicked.

Sample use case

Add a menu item enabling site owners to accept your custom payment method for bookings. This allows site owners to charge their clients through your app.


Use the following slot ID for the extends property in your dashboard menu plugin's configuration in your app's dashboard:

slot ID: bb4aa225-86d8-47fe-87d1-f519b1b93473

For example:

{ "hostingPlatform": "BUSINESS_MANAGER", "extends": "bb4aa225-86d8-47fe-87d1-f519b1b93473", "description": "Collect Payment Dashboard Menu Plugin in the Bookings Calendar.", "title": "Bookings Calendar Collect Payment Button's Menu Plugin", "action": { "openModal": { "componentId": "36bceb0e-5ac3-4b12-a40d-df0bf5e8dc89", "componentParams": {} } }, "componentName": "My Bookings Calendar Collect Payment Button Dashboard Menu Plugin" }

Important: The hosting platform must be "BUSINESS_MANAGER".

Interaction between the dashboard page and your plugin

Apps built by Wix pass parameters via dashboard slots for you to utilize in your plugin's functionality. Learn how to interact with and retrieve parameters from the dashboard page.

This slot passes the following parameters:

orderIdStringOrder ID.
onSuccessCallback()()=>Promise<void>Callback to notify the host when you are done handling the flow associated with new menu item.

Multiple plugins in the same slot

These menu plugin slots can host multiple plugins.

The menu plugins are displayed vertically and ordered by date created, with the most recently created plugin displayed at the bottom.

Wix APIs

You can implement logic in your plugin using the Wix Bookings APIs:

Slot IDs

Pre-collect payment modalb92f0e25-535f-4bef-b130-8e5abc85b2feorderId, onSuccess(), onCancel(), menuOption, menuOption.key, menuOption.componentId
More actions menuf3ad314d-0704-48e5-86b5-81acaf43e036
Collect Payment button menubb4aa225-86d8-47fe-87d1-f519b1b93473orderId, onSuccessCallback()

See also

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