Wix Bookings: Services Page

The Bookings Services page has 3 plugin slots. Slots are the placeholders in the UI for plugins. The slot ID is the value for the required extends field when configuring the plugin in the Wix Dev Center.

Location in Dashboard

Bookings > Bookings Services

Dashboard plugin slots

The Bookings Services page features a dashboard plugin slot. It is positioned between Business setup recommendations and Service list.

Use the following slot ID for the extends property in your dashboard plugin's configuration in the Dev Center:

Services Page plugin slot ID: 78cc4a47-8f47-489b-acc2-fd9e4208c8bd

For example:


Important: The hosting platform must be "BUSINESS_MANAGER".

Interaction between the dashboard page and your plugin

To interact with and retrieve data from the dashboard page use one of the following functions:


Multiple plugins in the same slot

This plugin slot can host multiple plugins.

The plugins are displayed next to each other and ordered by date created, with the most recently created plugin displayed furthest left.

Wix APIs

You can implement logic in your plugin using the Wix Bookings APIs:

Dashboard menu plugin slots

The Bookings Services page features 2 dashboard menu plugin slots.

One dashboard menu plugin slot is found in the main more actions menu:

Use the following slot ID for the extends property in your dashboard menu plugin's configuration in the Dev Center:

Main more actions menu slot ID: 5f8f3737-461a-43de-b790-e9079ba07d62

The other dashboard menu plugin slot is found in each service's more actions menu in the Service list:

The target page or modal can retrieve dashboard page data using the withDashboard() function from the dashboard-react SDK or the observeState() function from the dashboard SDK. This slot passes the following parameters:

  • serviceId

Use the following slot ID for the extends property in your dashboard menu plugin's configuration in the Dev Center:

Service more actions menu slot ID: 70f397fb-0007-43df-99f3-b3b0a9fa0712

For example:


Important: The hosting platform must be "BUSINESS_MANAGER".

Multiple plugins in the same slot

These plugin slots can host multiple plugins.

The plugins are displayed next to each other and ordered by date created, with the most recently created plugin displayed at the bottom.

Slot IDs

Services page plugin slot78cc4a47-8f47-489b-acc2-fd9e4208c8bd
Main more actions menu slot5f8f3737-461a-43de-b790-e9079ba07d62
Service more actions menu slot70f397fb-0007-43df-99f3-b3b0a9fa0712serviceId

See also

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