Payments and Billing FAQs

This article covers some frequently asked questions about payments and billing. It's important that you've read and understood the Partner Agreement, particularly Section > 9: Pricing, Collection and Revenue Sharing.

How is revenue share calculated?

We split all revenue with you 80/20 (80% for you, 20% for us). This revenue share is paid out to you monthly. If it's your first year on our platform, you keep 100% of everything you earn for the first 12 months. The revenue share applies to users that start at Wix (those that aren't already using your app on another website prior to this).

How and when will I receive my payouts?

  • As per the Partner Agreement, we pay out monthly so long as you've hit a minimum revenue share per app of $200 in that month.
  • If your Collaborator role is 'Owner', you can view and manage your transactions in the Payouts dashboard.
  • We’ll contact you around the middle of the following month with details on your payment, with payment due to arrive in your account at the beginning of the next month. E.g., revenue earned in March would ultimately arrive at the beginning of May.

How can I view my payouts?

The Payouts dashboard lets you see and manage your latest revenue, and the data is updated daily (based on the UTC timezone). You'll be able to see your total collections, the amount of your billing fees, and the amount you can expect to be paid.

Can I offer refunds?

It’s totally up to you if you want to offer refunds for your app and you can do this directly from your app's dashboard (this feature is only accessible to Collaborators defined as 'Owners').

What happens when a user's payment fails?

Sometimes payment fails because a user doesn't have sufficient funds on their card, or the card has expired. In such cases we give users 45 days to rectify the issue. This grace period helps to make sure we don't lose users unnecessarily. This process doesn't include fraud cases, which are handled differently and are usually identified immediately by Wix.

How it works:

  1. When payment fails a 45-day grace period begins.
  2. During this time our system will keep trying to take payment from the card until it's successful.
  3. We'll email users every 3 days to let them know that payment has failed, and remind them to make any necessary changes.
  4. To resolve the issue, users can add funds to their card or replace the payment method.
  5. If the charge goes through, the payment cycle stays the same and the start date will be the same as the first charge attempt.
  6. If we've been unsuccessful in taking payment from the user after 45 days, their package will be cancelled.

How are international taxes calculated?

Wix is obliged to adhere to the local fiscal laws and, therefore, charges individuals different tax rates in different territories around the world. When users purchase an app, some territories require us to charge tax, whereas others do not. 

If Wix takes care of your payments and billing, there's nothing you need to do – our system resolves this for you. If you manage billing on your own platform, then you're responsible for all applicable tax rates.

How do I manage local currency pricing?

The primary price of your app is always set in US dollars ($) by you. When we list your app in other territories, our system calculates the fair market rate for that location and sets the price in the local currency to optimize sales. 

This means that the money you receive for each app sale can fluctuate up and down, depending on the territory in which it was sold.

The amount shown in your Payouts dashboard will be shown in US dollars, meaning you'll likely see different dollar amounts reflecting these fluctuating sale amounts.

What happens when exchange rates change?

The exchange rate we use is updated from time to time, but we won’t increase the price for existing users. If the updated exchange rate lowers the price, we’ll lower the price for all users who pay in this currency.

What happens if a Wix user disputes a payment for my app?

If your app uses Wix’s billing, Wix will automatically attempt to reverse the chargeback. If the reversal fails, you will see the chargeback to the user in your payout data.

See also

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