Wix Stores: Product Page

Below are the slots and APIs that are available when building a plugin for the Product page.

Important: The slots and APIs are different depending on which version of Wix Stores a user has on their site. Your app should include placements for both versions.

Plugin slots

The following images show the slots available in the Product page, into which users can add plugins. The locations of slots differ slightly depending on which version of Wix Stores and which page layout a site is using.

New product page

Note: If using the product-page-media-1 slot, it may overlap with the thumbnail images on the left hand side in a desktop view. In this case, we recommend offering settings in your app to control the left padding.


Old product page


pluginInterface and productId

For pluginInterface in your plugin's configuration, use PRODUCT. This allows you to use productId as a new property in your widget's API.

In your Blocks widget or in your app's server code, you may want to perform actions or implement logic that is dependent on the current product or related data.

You can do this using the Wix Stores APIs (Velo, REST, JavaScript SDK).

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