Wix Stores: Products Page

The Products page has 4 plugin slots. Slots are the placeholders in the UI for plugins. The slot ID is the value for the required extends field when configuring the plugin in the Wix Dev Center.

Location in Dashboard

Catalog > Store Products > Products

Dashboard plugin slots

The Stores Products page features a dashboard plugin slot positioned at the top of the page.

Use the following slot ID for the extends property in your dashboard plugin's configuration in the Dev Center:

Products page plugin slot ID: 3ca518a6-8ae7-45aa-8cb9-afb3da945081

Here is an example of a dashboard plugin configuration object:


Important: The hosting platform must be "BUSINESS_MANAGER".

Interaction between the dashboard page and your plugin

To interact with and retrieve data from the dashboard page use one of the following functions:


Multiple dashboard plugins in the same slot

This plugin slot can host multiple plugins.

Dashboard plugins are displayed next to each other and ordered by date created, with the most recently created plugin displayed farthest right.

Wix APIs

You can implement logic in your plugin using the Wix Stores APIs:

Dashboard menu plugin slots

The Products page features 3 dashboard menu plugin slots.

One dashboard menu plugin slot is found in the More Actions menu at the top of the Products page:

Use the following slot ID for the extends property in your dashboard menu plugin's configuration in the Dev Center:

Products page More Actions menu slot ID: c87531bd-12df-42f6-bd78-c929ece48be4

Another dashboard menu plugin slot is found in each product's more actions menu.

This slot passes the following parameters:

  • productId

Use the following slot ID for the extends property in your dashboard menu plugin's configuration in the Dev Center:

Product more actions menu slot ID: 5c6c70b7-5041-404d-81b6-1f7ce19acf0f

The last dashboard menu plugin slot is found in the More Actions menu of the bulk actions toolbar. The bulk action toolbar appears when at least 1 product is selected:

Use the following slot ID for the extends property in your dashboard menu plugin's configuration in the Dev Center:

Bulk actions toolbar More Actions menu slot ID: 23986555-0ea3-49b4-bcaa-56cfe1ad35bf

Here is an example of a menu plugin configuration object:



  • The hosting platform must be "BUSINESS_MANAGER".
  • Each slot must include an icon to comply with Wix's style requirements. Provide the icon's name as the value for "iconKey".

The target page or modal for these 3 dashboard menu plugin slots can retrieve dashboard page data, including the parameters passed by these slots, using the withDashboard() function from the dashboard-react SDK or the observeState() function from the dashboard SDK.

Multiple dashboard menu plugins in the same slot

These plugin slots can host multiple plugins.

Dashboard menu plugins are displayed vertically and ordered by date created, with the most recently created plugin displayed at the top.

Slot IDs

Products page plugin slot3ca518a6-8ae7-45aa-8cb9-afb3da945081
Main More Actions menu slotc87531bd-12df-42f6-bd78-c929ece48be4
Product more actions menu slot5c6c70b7-5041-404d-81b6-1f7ce19acf0fproductId
Bulk actions toolbar More Actions menu slot 23986555-0ea3-49b4-bcaa-56cfe1ad35bf

See also

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