Top Ways to Speed Up App Approval in Blocks

Before you submit your app to the Wix App Market, there are a few things you should check. Make sure to go over these items, as they are all mandatory. If your app was rejected for any reason, don't worry - you can fix it and resubmit.

1 | Handle pricing plans

Your app logic should identify paid and free users and create different experiences for them. Make sure to:

  • Check if a user is paying for a plan, and then hide or disable non-paid features on the live site, while ensuring that they work in the site editor.
  • Provide entry points that lead users to upgrade when needed.
  • Handle free trials: count the days since the user installed the app, display that count in the settings panel or on the widget while in the editor, and handle the trial ending.

upgrade app

2 | Follow media guidelines

Follow the App Market media guidelines and provide good and sufficient marketing photos and texts.

3 | Use custom panels

Create custom panels to allow users to adjust app elements, if relevant. Some app-builders are used to provide one large settings panel. With Blocks, you can add as many panels as you want, for the different widgets and app elements. Don’t forget to connect your panels to the relevant action buttons.


4 | Use a dashboard page when needed

Use a dashboard page when applicable, and create a clear experience to lead users to the dashboard. For example, to connect an account, or configure things that would affect multiple widgets at the same time, see statistics or other information on the admin side that is too long for a settings panel.

5 | Name your widgets and presets

This step is important since users will see these names in their site editor.

To name your widgets
  1. Go to the Configuration tab.
  2. Give your widget a display name.

widget display name

To name your presets
  1. Go to the Design tab.
  2. Click on the three dots next to the preset name.
  3. Rename the preset.

rename preset

6 | Add thumbnail images to your presets

Provide good thumbnail images for every preset. This is done in your app's installation settings, in the Preset Visibility section.

Preset thumbnail

7 | Provide a user guide

Provide a good explanation of how to install, configure and use your app. Some apps can get pretty complex, and without a tutorial, users will never understand how to use the apps. For example, If your app uses database collections, explain to users how to get to their CMS to update. A user guide is usually done through:

  • Text in the settings panel
  • A link to an external documentation site
  • Text in a dashboard page

8 | Don’t add unnecessary permissions

Don’t add permissions through the Permissions tab in the Wix Developers Center, if you did not use OAuth or webhooks.

9 | Test your app on a site

Make sure that all areas of your app work as planned. Here is a checklist we prepared of what to check when testing your app on a site.

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