Registered Domains Errors

This articles outlines error messages that might be issued when calling endpoints of the Registered Domains API.

Create Registered Domain errors

The Create Registered Domain endpoint might issue the following error messages:

HTTP status
Error code
Error message
INVALID_ARGUMENT (400)INVALID_DOMAINDomain <domainName> can't be registered.Check that the TLD is supported by Wix and that the domain is still available for purchase.
INVALID_ARGUMENT (400)DOMAIN_TOO_LONGDomain <domainName> can't be registered because the domain name is too long.Make sure that the domain name (excluding TLD) isn't longer than 63 characters.
INVALID_ARGUMENT (400)DOMAIN_TOO_SHORTDomain <domainName> can't be registered because the domain name is too short.Make sure that the domain name (excluding TLD) includes at least 3 characters.
INVALID_ARGUMENT (400)INVALID_TLDProduct instance <productInstanceId> includes the benefit to register a domain with TLD <TLD>. You can't register a domain with another TLD using this product instance.Check that the <productInstanceID> and the TLD are correct. Call Adjust Product Instance Specifications to provide the missing benefit. Contact the Wix B2B sales team for details about the relevant productID.
INVALID_ARGUMENT (400)TLD_NOT_SUPPORTEDDomain <domainName> can't be registered because the TLD <tld> isn't supported for Wix sites.Contact the Wix B2B sales team to check which TLDs are supported.
PERMISSION_DENIED (403)PERMISSION_DENIEDPermission denied for target account <targetAccountId>.Make sure that the account ID is correct and that you have permissions to access the account.
INVALID_ARGUMENT (400)CANNOT_ASSIGN_DOMAIN_TO_FREE_SITEDomains can't be assigned to free Wix sites.Make sure that the site you want to assign the domain to has an active Premium plan. You can use Create Package to assign a Premium plan to your customer's site. Contact the Wix B2B sales team for information about the relevant productID.
INVALID_ARGUMENT (400)PRODUCT_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUNDSubscription for product instance <productInstanceId> doesn't exist.Check that the productInstanceId is correct. You can only register a domain to a Wix account that owns a reseller product instance for a domain with the specified TLD.
INVALID_ARGUMENT (400)INVALID_PRODUCT_INSTANCEProduct instance <productInstanceId> doesn't include the benefit to register a domain.Check that the productInstanceId is correct. You can call Adjust Product Instance Specifications to provide the missing benefit. Contact the Wix B2B sales team for details about the relevant productID.
INVALID_ARGUMENT (400)PRODUCT_INSTANCE_NOT_ACTIVEProduct instance <productInstanceId> has status <status>. You can only register a domain if the related product instance is "ACTIVE".You can only register a domain if the relevant Wix account or site has an active subscription for a Premium plan that supports domains of the specified TLD. Check that the status of the relevant product instance is "ACTIVE". To check, call Get Package.
INVALID_ARGUMENT (400)AWAITING_PRODUCT_ACTIVATIONProduct instance <productInstanceId> is "ACTIVE", but you still need to wait before you can register a domain using it.Try calling Create Registered Domain again in a couple of minutes. Contact the Wix B2B sales team if the error persists.
INVALID_ARGUMENT (400)REGISTERED_DOMAIN_ALREADY_EXISTSDomain <domainName> has already a related registeredDomain object.You can't call Create Registered Domain for a domain that's already registered or in the process of being registered. If the registration status is "FAILED_REGISTRATION", you can call the endpoint again.
INVALID_ARGUMENT (400)DOMAIN_ALREADY_TAKENDomain <domainName> has already been purchased.You can only register domains that are still available for purchsase. You may call Check Domain Availability or Suggest Domains to identify available domains.
INVALID_ARGUMENT (400)INVALID_BILLING_CYCLEProduct instance <productInstanceId> from subscription <subscriptionId> has a billing cycle that doesn't support registering the domain.Check that <productInstanceID> and the billing cycle are correct. You can use the Resellers API in case you need to create or modfiy a subscription.
INVALID_ARGUMENT (400)SUBDOMAIN_NOT_SUPPORTEDYou can't register subdomains.Make sure to register only root domains.
INVALID_ARGUMENT (400)SKU_NOT_FOUNDWix hasn't defined product instance <productInstanceId> properly.Contact the Wix B2B sales team for help.

Get Registered Domain errors

The Get Registered Domain endpoint might issue the following error messages:

HTTP status
Error code
Error message
INVALID_ARGUMENT (400)REGISTERED_DOMAIN_NOT_FOUNDRegistered domain <registeredDomainId> doesn't exist.Make sure that the ID of the registered domain is correct.
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