Booking Object

The booking object, version 2.

idstringRead-onlyformat GUID

Booking ID.


An object describing the slot or schedule that was booked.


Contact details of the site visitor or member making the booking.

additionalFieldsArray <CustomFormField>

Additional custom fields submitted with the booking form.

6 enum supported values:

Booking status.

Supported values:

  • CREATED: The booking was created.
  • UPDATED: The booking was updated.
  • PENDING: The booking is waiting to be confirmed or declined by the business owner. A booking is automatically set as PENDING if the service is configured to require manual business onwer confirmation and an eCommerce order was created.
  • CONFIRMED: The booking was confirmed. A booking is automatically confirmed if the service is configured to automatically confirm bookings and an eCommerce order was created. If the service isn't configured to automatically confirm bookings, you can use Confirm Or Decline Booking.
  • DECLINED: The booking was declined by the business owner. A booking is also declined if an eCommerce order was created that resulted in a double booking.
  • CANCELED: The booking was canceled.
  • WAITING_LIST: The booking is on a wait list.

6 enum supported values:

Payment status. One of:

  • "NOT_PAID" The booking is not paid for.
  • "PAID" The booking is fully paid.
  • "PARTIALLY_PAID" The booking is partially paid.
  • "REFUNDED" The booking is refunded.
  • "EXEMPT" The booking is free of charge.

5 enum supported values:

Selected payment option. One of the payment options offered by the service, or another option if skipSelectedPaymentOptionValidation is true. When undefined, the payment option is resolved by the service configuration on checkout.

createdDatestringRead-onlyformat date-time

Date and time the booking was created.


External ID provided by the client app on creation.

revisionintegerformat uint64

Revision number to be used when updating, rescheduling, or cancelling the booking. Revision number, which increments by 1 each time the booking is updated, rescheduled, or canceled. To prevent conflicting changes,the current revision must be passed when updating the booking.


ID of the creator of the Booking. If appId and another ID are present, the other ID takes precedence.

startDatestringRead-onlyformat date-time

The start date of this booking. For a slot, this is the start date of the slot. For a schedule, this is the start date of the first session.

endDatestringRead-onlyformat date-time

The end date of this booking. For a slot, this is the end date of the slot. For a schedule, this is the end date of the last session.

updatedDatestringRead-onlyformat date-time

Date and time the booking was updated.


Custom field data for this object. Extended fields must be configured in the Wix Dev Center before they can be accessed with API calls.


Whether this booking overlaps another existing confirmed booking. Returned when: true


totalParticipantsintegerminimum 1

Total number of participants. Available only when the booking includes a single service variant.


Information about the booked service choices and participants. Available only when the booking includes multiple service variants.

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