Gets information about a specific file in the Media Manager.
You can only call this method when authenticated as a Wix app or Wix user identity.
File ID.
You can also specify the file's Wix media URL. For example, wix:image://v1/0abec0_b291a9349a0b4da59067f76287e386fb~mv2.jpg/leon.jpg#originWidth=3024&originHeight=4032
Learn more about the file ID parameter (SDK | REST).
If you are working in REST, note that you must encode the Wix media URL to specify it as a query param because it contains special characters. For example, wix:image://v1/0abec0_b291a9349a0b4da59067f76287e386fb~mv2.jpg/leon.jpg#originWidth=3024&originHeight=4032
becomes wix%3Aimage%3A%2F%2Fv1%2F0abec0_b291a9349a0b4da59067f76287e386fb~mv2.jpg%2Fleon.jpg%23originWidth%3D3024%26originHeight%3D4032
Information about the file.
There is 1 error with this status code.
This method may also return standard errors. Learn more about standard Wix errors.