This API is subject to change. Bug fixes and new features will be released based on developer feedback throughout the preview period.
Returns a list of posts by query.
Filterable fields:
Sortable fields:
You can only call this method when authenticated as a Wix app or Wix user identity.
Paging object (e.g., { limit: 10, offset: 100 } ).
Filter object (e.g., { $and: [{ ownerId: { eq: 'ownerId' } }, { likeCount: { $gt: 0 }] } ).
Array of sort objects (e.g., [{ fieldName: createdDate, order: Order.ASC }] ).
Array of extra post fields to be added in the response.
List of posts.
curl -X POST
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8'
-H 'Authorization: <ACCESS_TOKEN>'
-d '{
"paging": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1
"filter": {
"likeCount": {
"$eq": 0
"sort": [
"fieldName": "lastActivityDate",
"order": "ASC"
"posts": [
"id": "5cacd5fe04976c0015f35363",
"categoryId": "5cacd5fe04976c0015f35362",
"ownerId": "a27d2491-90b0-4a3a-87d9-7a9de00bf17a",
"title": "Welcome to the Forum!",
"contentText": "It’s good to have you here! Feel free to share anything - stories, ideas, pictures or whatever is on your mind.",
"bestAnswerCommentId": "5ce7bb354f055300a4b7f945",
"pinned": false,
"closed": true,
"commentCount": 3,
"likeCount": 0,
"viewCount": 11,
"createdDate": "2019-04-09T17:27:26.171Z",
"updatedDate": "2019-04-09T17:27:26.171Z",
"lastActivityDate": "2019-05-24T11:55:29.339Z",
"slug": "welcome-to-the-forum",
"postType": "DISCUSSION",
"commentInteraction": "REACTION",
"markedComments": ["5ce7bb354f055300a4b7f945"],
"recentActivity": {
"entityId": "5ce7bb354f055300a4b7f945",
"type": "COMMENT",
"memberId": "0933513a-fcd7-459e-b76e-508d4806d908",
"activityDate": "2022-05-20T11:33:34.147Z"
"totalReactionCount": 1,
"reactionCounts": [
"reactionCode": ":like:",
"count": 1
"reactedIdentities": [
"reactionCode": ":like:",
"reactionIdentity": [
"identityId": "0933513a-fcd7-459e-b76e-508d4806d908",
"identityType": "MEMBER"
"url": {
"base": "",
"path": "/forum/discussion-corner/welcome-to-the-forum"
"metaData": {
"count": 1,
"offset": 0,
"total": 1
This method doesn’t return any custom errors, but may return standard errors. Learn more about standard Wix errors.