Checkout Template Object

A checkout template can be shared with customers to create checkouts with predefined information already included.

idstringRead-onlyformat GUID

Checkout template ID.


Status of the checkout template.

When status is INACTIVE checkouts will not be created with this template id. Instead, the endpoint will redirect to the domain site.

Default: ACTIVE


Custom settings to apply to the checkout page created from this template.

lineItemsArray <LineItem>maxItems 300

Catalog line items.

Max: 300 items

customLineItemsArray <CustomLineItem>betamaxItems 300

Custom line items. Custom line items don't trigger the Catalog service plugin.

Max: 300 items


Coupon code.

Note that a checkout can only hold one couponCode at a time. If an additional couponCode is added, it will override the existing couponCode. For additional information, see the Coupons API.


Reference IDs for the app and component providing custom checkout page content.

To access and manage custom checkout page content, your app must have the permission scope named "Manage eCommerce - Admin Permissions". Learn more about permission scopes.

{ "checkoutTemplate": { "id": "825315ef-1b62-40f7-ab62-97b751ebf285", "status": "ACTIVE", "customization": { "webClient": { "disabledContinueShoppingButton": true }, "lockedGiftCard": false, "lockedCoupon": true }, "lineItems": [ { "quantity": 2, "catalogReference": { "catalogItemId": "8df1afe4-90d1-162d-2d42-b8308125c193", "appId": "215238eb-22a5-4c36-9e7b-e7c08025e04e", "options": { "options": { "Size": "Medium" }, "variantId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" } } } ], "couponCode": "SUMMER_FLASH_SALE" } }
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