Adjust Points

Adjusts the point balance of a loyalty account.

You can adjust the balance in two ways:

  • balance allows you to set the total points balance to this new amount.
  • amount allows you to adjust the points balance by this amount. This amount can be a positive number to increase the points balance or a negative number to decrease the balance.

An account may not be adjusted to result in a negative balance. If you pass an integer in both the balance and the amount parameters then the balance adjustment takes effect and the amount adjustment is ignored.


You can only call this method when authenticated as a Wix app or Wix user identity.

Manage Loyalty
Learn more about app permissions.

Path Params

Loyalty account ID.

Body Params
descriptionstringminLength 1maxLength 100

Description to explain the reason for the points adjustment.

revisionnumberminimum 1

Each time the loyalty account is updated, revision increments by 1.

The current revision must be passed when adjusting points in the loyalty account. This ensures you're working with the latest version of the loyalty account and prevents unintended overwrites.

One Of
Choose one of the following parameters

balanceintegerminimum 0maximum 999999999

Sets the account's point balance to this amount. Must be a positive, whole number or zero.

The net difference between this new balance and the previous balance will be reflected in the adjusted field of the customer's account.

Min: 0

Max: 999999999

amountintegerminimum -9999999maximum 9999999

Adjusts the account's point balance by this amount. Must be a whole number with a maximum of 7 digits. The amount can be negative, but cannot be 0.

Min: -9999999

Max: 9999999

Response Object

Loyalty account.

transactionIdstringformat GUID

Transaction ID associated with the points adjustment.

Adjust account balance
curl -X POST \ '' \ -H 'Authorization: <AUTH>' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "accountId": "01e34b81-4e48-43e4-b178-c84f3b968574", "description": "Sync from external program", "balance": 15, "revision": "3" }'
{ "transactionId": "9d29cf95-fd2c-4db4-8f4d-2d65c52cacb9", "account": { "id": "e6f39a5b-a6d0-4556-b889-0cf09d8a84f7", "contactId": "88615e02-3e8a-4297-8939-5d0a432b322a", "memberId": "a517751b-a1ca-4423-8d91-aaf8f5b34215", "points": { "balance": 15, "earned": 10, "redeemed": 0, "adjusted": 5 }, "rewardAvailable": true, "createdDate": "2021-12-06T14:33:19.114Z", "updatedDate": "2021-12-07T07:30:23.749Z", "revision": "4", "tier": { "id": "1415f107-640c-4e04-870f-149cdd562093", "updatedDate": "2021-12-07T07:30:23.749Z", "recalculationDate": null, "points": 15 }, "lastActivityDate": "2021-12-07T07:30:23.749Z", "contact": { "id": "7728152f-7deb-45f8-913f-7fdff4abbebe", "name": "Johna Linskey", "picture": null, "email": "", "displayName": "Johna Linskey" }, "points_expiration": { "expiration_date": "2022-05-07T07:30:23.749Z", "expiring_points_amount": 5 } } }

This method doesn’t return any custom errors, but may return standard errors. Learn more about standard Wix errors.

Event TriggersThis method triggers the following events:
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