Loyalty transaction.
Transaction ID.
Account ID.
Date and time the transaction was created.
The number of points earned, adjusted, redeemed, or expired in the transaction.
: Number of points earned by the customer taking an action. Example: 20
: The number of points redeemed by the customer for a reward. Example: -50
: The number of points refunded for a previously redeemed reward. Examples: 20
, -30
: The number of points refunded for a previously redeemed reward. Example: 60
: The number of points that expired due to customer inactivity for a configured period. Example: -70
Transaction types.
Transaction description.
Unique identifier, generated by the client. Used to recognize repeated attempts of the same request. Only present when manually adding points using the Earn Points endpoint.
Information on points earned.
Information on points redeemed.
Information on points adjusted.
Information on points refunded.
Information on points expired.