Dns Zone Object

DNS zones hold information about the records that map a domain's URL to an IP address.

domainNamestringformat HOSTNAME

Domain name including the TLD. Both root domains and subdomains are supported.

recordsArray <DnsRecord>minItems 2maxItems 5000

DNS records. You can only set up a single record object per DNS record type. If you want to specify multiple values for the same record type, you must save them in the values for the relevant type.

Min: 2 DNS record - a DNS zone file has to have at least two required DNS records: NS and SOA records Max: 5000 DNS records

idstringRead-onlyformat HOSTNAME

ID of the Dns Zone. Identical to the domain name including TLD.


Whether DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC) are enabled.

Default: false


Information about DNSSEC. Available only if {"dnssecEnabled": true}.

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