List Events

Developer Preview

This API is subject to change. Bug fixes and new features will be released based on developer feedback throughout the preview period.

Retrieves a list of events from all connected external calendars, based on the provided filtering and paging.

Use List Events to retrieve an aggregated list of events in the connected external calendars for a specified time range, sorted by start date.

Note: Before using this endpoint, establish a connection with an external calendar using Connect By Credentials or Connect By OAuth.


You can only call this method when authenticated as a Wix app or Wix user identity.

Manage Bookings - all permissions
Manage External Calendars
Learn more about app permissions.

Query Params

Date and time from which to retrieve events, formatted according to RFC 3339. Required, unless cursorPaging.cursor is provided.

Events which start before the from time and end after it are included in the returned list.


Date and time until which to retrieve events, formatted according to RFC 3339. Required, unless cursorPaging.cursor is provided.

Events which start before the to time and end after it are included in the returned list.

scheduleIdsArray <string>

Schedule IDs to filter by. If provided, the returned list includes only events belonging to external calendars connected to the specified schedules. Maximum of 100 schedule IDs per request.

userIdsArray <string>

Wix user IDs to filter by. If provided, the returned list includes only events belonging to external calendars connected to schedules belonging to the specified Wix users. Maximum of 100 Wix user IDs per request.


Whether to include only all-day events in the returned list. If true, only all-day events are returned. If false, only events with a specified time are returned.

Default: All events are returned.

fieldsetsArray <string>

Predefined sets of fields to return.

  • NO_PI: Returns event objects without personal information.
  • OWN_PI: Returns complete event objects, including personal information.

Default: NO_PI

cursorPaging.limitintegerminimum 0maximum 1000format int32

Number of events to load. Max: 1000


Pointer to the next or previous page in the list of results.

You can get the relevant cursor token from the pagingMetadata object in the previous call's response. Not relevant for the first request.


Whether to return a partial list of events if details can't be retrieved for some connections.

Default: false

Response Object
eventsArray <Event>

List of external calendar events matching the filters.


Paging metadata.

failedProviderIdsArray <string>

List of provider IDs for connections for which retrieval of events failed. Returned only if partialFailure body parameter is true in the request.

curl -X GET '' \ -H 'Authorization: <AUTH>'
{ "events": [ { "scheduleId": "b936298d-18a6-4ae8-8e9f-10bf49314c95", "calendarType": "GOOGLE", "start": "2023-01-02T01:00:00.000Z", "end": "2023-01-02T02:00:00.000Z", "scheduleOwnerId": "e2c75c80-0c1e-4091-8ff1-98cc7865bfc0", "scheduleOwnerName": "ANITA" }, { "scheduleId": "3e47ec65-2975-447c-a7ed-75041e850d5e", "calendarType": "I_CAL", "start": "2023-01-02T22:00:00.000Z", "end": "2023-01-02T23:15:00.000Z", "scheduleOwnerId": "76570209-101f-409b-af97-b445bdb63125", "scheduleOwnerName": "JONATHAN" } ], "pagingMetadata": { "count": 2, "hasNext": false } }

This method doesn’t return any custom errors, but may return standard errors. Learn more about standard Wix errors.

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