Register V 2

Developer Preview

This API is subject to change. Bug fixes and new features will be released based on developer feedback throughout the preview period.

Registers a new member.

Typically, after a sucessful registration, you generate and use member tokens for the registered member so that subsequent API calls are called as part of a member session.

If the email used to register the member already exists as a contact email, the registering member need to verify the email address using a code that is sent to the address.


400Invalid Argument

There are 8 errors with this status code:

403Permission Denied

There are 5 errors with this status code:

409Already Exists

There is 1 error with this status code:

429Resource Exhausted

There is 1 error with this status code:


There are 2 errors with this status code:

See the entire list and learn more about Wix errors.

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