Operation Object

An operation is a service a restaurant offers that includes various aspects of its online ordering. You can define default fulfillments, service fees, and scheduling requirements for each operation.

idstringRead-onlyformat GUID

Operation ID.

revisionintegerRead-onlyformat int64

Revision number. Increments by 1 each time the operation is updated. To prevent conflicting changes, the existing revision must be specified when updating an operation.

createdDatestringRead-onlyformat date-time

Date and time the operation was created.

updatedDatestringRead-onlyformat date-time

Date and time the operation was updated.


Operation name.


Whether the operation is the default operation.
Default: false.

fulfillmentIdsArray <string>format GUIDmaxItems 500

IDs of the fulfillment methods (SDK | REST) associated with the operation.


Online ordering status of the operation.

serviceFeeRuleIdsArray <string>deprecatedformat GUIDmaxItems 500

IDs of the service fee rules (SDK | REST) associated with the operation.


Default fulfillment type of the operation.


Information about when an order can be placed for.


Options for online ordering status. Required when onlineOrderingStatus is PAUSED_UNTIL.

{ "operation": { "id": "48605ac5-53fc-49b4-96b2-87f7636f5ce0", "revision": "5", "createdDate": "2023-11-27T06:51:54.146Z", "updatedDate": "2023-12-09T18:43:38.818Z", "name": "Preorder operation", "enabled": true, "orderScheduling": { "type": "PREORDER", "preorderOptions": { "method": { "type": "TIME_BOUNDED", "timeBoundedOptions": { "minTimeInAdvance": { "timeUnit": "DAYS", "duration": 3 }, "maxTimeInAdvance": { "timeUnit": "DAYS", "duration": 7 } } }, "fulfillmentTimesDisplay": { "type": "TIME_WINDOWS", "timeWindowsOptions": { "timeUnit": "HOURS", "duration": 2 } } } }, "profileId": "ad6994d5-a1c5-476d-b39f-c78d3a5444cb", "default": true, "fulfillmentIds": [ "12590791-d0d9-418f-a226-a7dcfd37b507", "71831b22-a043-4998-a10d-01bf9f2472f2", "642dd960-ab45-4eac-ab64-de0ad2215fe0", "32e82c15-f518-44e3-800f-406f13f9bb2e" ], "serviceFeeRuleIds": [], "onlineOrderingStatus": "ENABLED" } }
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