Service Object

The Service object represents the business offering that a business provides to its customers.

idstringRead-onlyformat GUID

Service ID.

4 enum supported values:

Service type.

sortOrderintegerformat int32

Order of a service within a category.

namestringmaxLength 400minLength 1

descriptionstringmaxLength 7000

tagLinestringmaxLength 6000

defaultCapacityintegerminimum 1maximum 1000format int32

Default maximum number of customers that can book the service. The service cannot be booked beyond this capacity.


Media associated with the service.


Whether the service is hidden from the site.


The category the service is associated with.


The form used when booking the service.


Payment options for booking the service.


Online booking settings.


Conferencing options for this service.

locationsArray <Location>maxItems 500

The locations this service is offered at. In case of multiple (more than 1) location, All locations must be of type BUSINESS. For courses only: Currently, only 1 location is supported, for all location types.


Policy determining under what conditions this service can be booked. For example, whether the service can only be booked up to 30 minutes before it begins.


The service's schedule, which can be used to manage the service's sessions.

staffMemberIdsArray <string>maxItems 220format GUID

IDs of the staff members providing the service. For appointments only.

supportedSlugsArray <Slug>Read-onlymaxItems 100

A slug is the last part of the URL address that serves as a unique identifier of the service. The list of supported slugs includes past service names for backwards compatibility, and a custom slug if one was set by the business owner.


The main slug for the service. mainSlug is either taken from the current service name or is a custom slug set by the business owner. mainSlug is used to construct the service's URLs.


URLs to various service-related pages, such as the calendar page and the booking page.


Extensions enabling users to save custom data related to the service.


Custom SEO data for the service.

createdDatestringRead-onlyformat date-time

Date and time the service was created.

updatedDatestringRead-onlyformat date-time

Date and time the service was updated.

revisionintegerRead-onlyformat int64

Revision number, which increments by 1 each time the service is updated. To prevent conflicting changes, the existing revision must be used when updating a service.

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