List Posts

Retrieves a list of up to 100 published posts per request.

List Posts runs with these defaults, which you can override:

  • firstPublishedDate is sorted in descending order, with pinned posts first.
  • paging.limit is 50.
  • paging.offset is 0.
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Query Params

Whether to return only featured posts.

Default: false

hashtagsArray <string>

Hashtag filter.

Pass an array of hashtags to return only posts containing any of the provided hashtags. If omitted, all posts with or without hashtags are returned.

categoryIdsArray <string>

Category filter.

Pass an array of category IDs to return only posts with any of the provided categories. If omitted, all posts with or without associated categories are returned.

tagIdsArray <string>

Tag filter.

Pass an array of tag IDs to return only posts with any of the provided tags. If omitted, all posts with or without tags are returned.


Sorting options.

Default: FEED

paging.offsetintegerminimum 0

Number of items to skip in the current sort order.

Default: 0

paging.limitintegerminimum 1maximum 100

Number of items to return.


paging.cursorstringmaxLength 2000

Pointer to the next or previous page in the list of results.

fieldsToIncludeArray <string>deprecated - use fieldsets instead

Deprecated. Use fieldsets instead. This parameter will be removed on June 30, 2023.

List of post fields to be included in the response.


Language filter.

2-or-4-letter language code in IETF BCP 47 language tag format. Pass a language to only receive posts that are in that language. If omitted, posts in all languages are returned.


Post owner's member ID.

fieldsetsArray <string>

List of additional post fields to include in the response. For example, use the URL fieldset to retrieve the url field in the response in addition to the post’s base fields. Base fields don’t include any of the supported fieldset values. By default only the post’s base fields are returned.

Response Object
postsArray <Post>

List of posts.


Details on the paged set of results returned.

List Posts Example 1

This method doesn’t return any custom errors, but may return standard errors. Learn more about standard Wix errors.

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