Abandoned checkout ID.
Date and time the abandoned checkout was created.
Date and time the abandoned checkout was updated.
The associated checkout ID.
The associated cart ID.
Status of the abandoned checkout.
Language for communication with the buyer. Defaults to the site language. For a site that supports multiple languages, this is the language the buyer selected.
Buyer information.
Contact details.
The store's currency.
Currency the buyer used in checkout.
Total price after discounts, gift cards, and tax.
List of all automation activities performed by Wix Automations regarding the abandoned checkout.
Wix Automations updates the activities
field for each actvity in the automation flow. Only relevant if the site owner set up automations in the Dashboard. Read more about activities
in the introduction.
Date and time the abandoned checkout was recovered.
Checkout URL.
Subtotal price of all line items, before discounts and before tax.
"abandonedCheckout": {
"id": "b4ebb0b8-4482-4693-ae09-7b47e977484c",
"createdDate": "2023-05-03T08:26:07.512Z",
"updatedDate": "2023-05-03T08:33:33.809Z",
"checkoutId": "a9524a00-4b00-4edb-abbc-538a09e59f43",
"cartId": "b1460e65-bf14-42e3-9279-d96705a69347",
"status": "RECOVERED",
"buyerLanguage": "en",
"buyerInfo": {
"contactId": "251f2a54-3bde-4c34-8647-89111ef83358",
"email": "John.Doe@example.com",
"visitorId": "2f8d09d0-d067-44d9-9bd8-495d63fa5b4a"
"contactDetails": {
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe"
"currency": "USD",
"conversionCurrency": "USD",
"checkoutUrl": "http://www.wixapis.com/ecom/v1/abandoned-checkout/b4ebb0b8-4482-4693-ae09-7b47e977484c?metasiteId=07b12318-c5d9-419f-9c2c-9507db543901",
"totalPrice": {
"amount": "255",
"convertedAmount": "255",
"formattedAmount": "$255.00",
"formattedConvertedAmount": "$255.00"
"activities": [
"createdDate": "2023-05-03T08:26:07.747Z",
"type": "SCHEDULED"
"createdDate": "2023-05-03T08:32:01.991Z",
"type": "EMAIL_SENT"