About the Transactions API

Use Wix Payments server-to-server API integration to accept different payment methods and manage transactions. Wix Payments act as a standalone solution to independently process payments, deal with chargebacks and disputes via Wix infrastructure, and can be used by any third-party.

The Transactions API supports the following flows:

  • Authorization (reserving funds)
  • Capture (transferring of reserved funds)
  • One-time transaction (Authorization and Capture)
  • Recurring transactions (MIT and CIT)
  • Refund/Void (canceling an authorized or captured transaction)
  • Dispute

Wix Payments supports the following payment methods:

  • Card
  • ACH
  • Apple Pay
  • Boleto
  • Giropay
  • iDEAL
  • PayPal
  • Pix
  • SEPA
  • Razorpay


  • Merchant: A party selling goods or services to customers via an eCommerce website, a mobile app, on the point of sale, or across all three channels. Wix Payments enable a merchant to accept payments from customers made with cards or local payment methods and manage payouts.
  • Customer: Someone who buys goods or services from a merchant. In terms of Transactions API, a customer makes a cashless online payment by using either cards or local payment methods to pay.
  • Cardholder: Customer who uses a card issued by a bank to make cashless online payments to a merchant.
  • Transaction: Agreement between a merchant and a customer to exchange goods, services, or financial instruments. The transaction object contains the basic information required to securely process the payment, execute related actions (delivery, analytics, inventory management) and comply with financial regulations.
  • Merchant Initiated Transaction (MIT): Payment or a series of payments with fixed or variable amounts that the merchant performs without direct involvement of a customer, such as automatic account top-ups, and installments.
  • Cardholder Initiated Transaction (CIT): Payment initiated by the cardholder on their own after the initial successful transaction.
  • Authorization: Process of card issuer verifying payment details and reserving funds to capture them later. When the card is verified with the issuer, the funds are reserved for the transaction.
  • Transaction reference: Transaction ID of the first transaction for recurring transactions. It should be passed with each subsequent transaction.
  • Capture: Transfer of reserved funds from the customer to the merchant. A payment that was already authorized, must be captured to be completed.
  • Refund Transfer of funds from the merchant back to the customer - merchant-initated. When the merchant makes a refund, the funds are sent back to the card issuer. If an authorized payment hasn't been captured yet, a refund can't be made, but the merchant can void the payment instead.
  • Void: Voiding a transaction will tell the customer’s card issuing bank that the merchant does not intend to collect the transaction corresponding to the original six-digit approval code and, therefore, those held funds are made available to the customer again. Merchant can void a transaction until it is captured.
  • Dispute: Refers to the entire process from the moment the customer applies to their issuing bank. Dispute occurs when a cardholder questions the charge with their card issuer and initiates a chargeback. When this happens, the merchant is given the opportunity to respond to the dispute with evidence that shows that the charge is legitimate.
  • Request for Information (RFI): Optional first step in a dispute, initiated when the cardholder does not recognize or disagrees with a charge and requests more information from their bank.
  • Chargeback: Second and primary step in a dispute. It includes a reversal of a credit card payment that comes directly from the bank. Chargeback occurs when a cardholder questions a transaction and asks their card-issuing bank to reverse it.
  • Evidence: Documentation in response to the dispute (RFI or chargeback steps), appropriate to the reason for the dispute. For example, evidence responding to a dispute with the reason “product not received” can include shipping information and any screenshots of package tracking. Weblogs, email communications, shipment tracking numbers, delivery confirmation, proof of prior refunds, or replacement shipments can all be helpful.

Recurring transactions

Wix Payments API allows merchants to set up recurring payments. It adds flexibility and full control of the entire business flow. For subsequent transactions, only the card_number should be tokenized using the Create Card Token endpoint, and the appropriate token passed to the Create Transaction.

Note to achieve the best approve ratio, the correct MIT/CIT flag must be passed as well. To achieve the best approve ratio, pass all possible values received from the card schemes:

  • Network_transaction_id
  • ds_transaction_id (in case the initial transaction was performed by the 3DS2 regulations)

Create Transaction endpoint is fully compatible with the new PSD2 regulations and supports 3DS 2 mechanism.

Interaction types

Interaction TypeAdditional ParametersComments
ONE_TIMERegular one-time transaction
SETUP_COF_ONSESSIONInitial transaction with the subsequent CIT (setup one-click)
SETUP_COF_RECURRINGInitial transaction with the subsequent MIT transactions according to a defined schedule
SETUP_COF_UNSCHEDULEDInitial transaction with the subsequent MIT transactions without the defined schedule
COF_ONSESSIONtransaction_referenceSubsequent transaction initiated by the customer (perform one-click)
COF_RECURRINGtransaction_referenceRecurring transactions initiated by the merchant according to the defined schedule
COF_UNSCHEDULEDtransaction_referenceRecurring transactions initiated by the merchant without a schedule

Use cases

Create and manage transactions with the following flows:

  1. Create a one-time payment and simultaneously authorize and capture funds.
  2. Create a one-time payment. Authorize and Capture the funds separately.
  3. Create a first/initial recurring payment and subsequent one when the cardholder is not present - authorization and capture in one step.
  4. Create an initial “on session” (cardholder present) payment and notify Wix of credential storage to execute a subsequent one in the future when the cardholder is present.
  5. Charge a customer and refund funds afterwards.

1. Create a one-time payment and simultaneously authorize and capture funds.

Transaction info: $10 USD, one-time credit card transaction, using a card token. A new card_token must be generated for each transaction request.
(A card token must be passed to Create Transaction when a credit/debit card is the chosen payment method.)

To create a transaction, call Create Transaction.

Parameters to include:

{ "accountId": "81c79a2-9bd5-4852-9296-6a24c640f1ef", "amount": "1000", "currency": "USD", "paymentMethodTypeId": "creditCard", "card": { "numberToken": "41c29a2-9bd5-4552-1296-6a24c6g0f1ef", "expiryMonth": 11, "expiryYear": 2027, "holderName": "John Doe", "securityCodeToken": "71c7932-9bd5-48d2-9196-6df4c640f1ef" }, "automaticCapture": {}, "oneTimePayment": {} }

Note: Pass an empty object for the type of transaction oneTimePayment, but not null or missing.

2. Create a one-time payment. Authorize and Capture the funds separately.

Transaction info: $10 USD, one-time credit card transaction, using a card token. A new card_token must be generated for each transaction request.
(A card token must be passed to Create Transaction when a credit/debit card is the chosen payment method.)

  1. Call Create Transaction.

Parameters to include:

POST https://www.wixapis.com/payments/v3/transactions { "accountId": "81c79a2-9bd5-4852-9296-6a24c640f1ef", "amount": "1000", "currency": "USD", "paymentMethodTypeId": "creditCard", "card": { "numberToken": "41c29a2-9bd5-4552-1296-6a24c6g0f1ef", "expiryMonth": 11, "expiryYear": 2027, "holderName": "John Doe", "securityCodeToken": "71c7932-9bd5-48d2-9196-6df4c640f1ef" }, "oneTimePayment": {} }
  1. Call Capture Transaction. Retrieve the transactionId from the step 1.

Parameters to include:

POST https://www.wixapis.com/payments/v3/transactions/2ac75a2-91d5-4752-6h96-6aj74640f1ef/capture { "accountId": "81c79a2-9bd5-4852-9296-6a24c640f1ef" }

3. Create a first/initial recurring payment and subsequent one when the cardholder is not present - authorization and capture in one step.

Transaction info: $10 USD, one-time credit card transaction, using a card token. A new card_token must be generated for each transaction request.
(A card token must be passed to Create Transaction when a credit/debit card is the chosen payment method.)
When creating a recurring transaction (MIT/CIT), you only need to tokenize the card_number and pass it in the Create Transaction request together with COF.

  1. Call Create Transaction.

Parameters to include:

{ "accountId": "81c79a2-9bd5-4852-9296-6a24c640f1ef", "amount": "1000", "currency": "USD", "paymentMethodTypeId": "creditCard", "card": { "numberToken": "41c29a2-9bd5-4552-1296-6a24c6g0f1ef", "expiryMonth": 11, "expiryYear": 2027, "holderName": "John Doe", "securityCodeToken": "71c7932-9bd5-48d2-9196-6df4c640f1ef" }, "automaticCapture": {} "setupCofRecurring": {} }
  1. Retrieve the transactionId of the created transaction from the response from step 1. (In this example, transactionId = 01csa932-9bd5-38d2-91d6-6jf5c640f1ef). You’ll need to pass it as the transactionReference in all subsequent transactions.

  2. When a subsequent payment is due, call Create Transaction and pass the transactionId from step 1 as the transactionReference.

Parameters to include:

{ "accountId": "81c79a2-9bd5-4852-9296-6a24c640f1ef", "amount": "1000", "currency": "USD", "paymentMethodTypeId": "creditCard", "card": { "numberToken": "41c29a2-9bd5-4552-1296-6a24c6g0f1ef", "expiryMonth": 11, "expiryYear": 2027, "holderName": "John Doe" }, "automaticCapture": {}, "cofRecurring": { "transactionReference": { "transactionId": "01csa932-9bd5-38d2-91d6-6jf5c640f1ef" } } }

4. Create an initial “on session” (cardholder present) payment and notify Wix of credential storage to execute a subsequent one in the future when the cardholder is present.

Transaction info: $10 USD, one-time credit card transaction, using a card token. A new card_token must be generated for each transaction request.
(A card token must be passed to Create Transaction when a credit/debit card is the chosen payment method.)
When creating a recurring transaction (MIT/CIT), you only need to tokenize the card_number and pass it in the Create Transaction request together with COF.

  1. Call Create Transaction.

Parameters to include:

{ "accountId": "81c79a2-9bd5-4852-9296-6a24c640f1ef", "amount": "1000", "currency": "USD", "paymentMethodTypeId": "creditCard", "card": { "numberToken": "41c29a2-9bd5-4552-1296-6a24c6g0f1ef", "expiryMonth": 11, "expiryYear": 2027, "holderName": "John Doe", "securityCodeToken": "71c7932-9bd5-48d2-9196-6df4c640f1ef" }, "automaticCapture": {}, "setupCofOnSession": {} }
  1. Retrieve the transactionId (in this example, transactionId = 01csa932-9bd5-38d2-91d6-6jf5c640f1ef). You’ll need to pass it as the transactionReference in all subsequent transactions.

  2. Call Create Transaction. transactionReference is the ID of the transaction in the response from step 1.

Parameters to include:

{ "accountId": "81c79a2-9bd5-4852-9296-6a24c640f1ef", "amount": "1000", "currency": "USD", "paymentMethodTypeId": "creditCard", "card": { "numberToken": "41c29a2-9bd5-4552-1296-6a24c6g0f1ef", "expiryMonth": 11, "expiryYear": 2027, "holderName": "John Doe", "securityCodeToken": "71c7932-9bd5-48d2-9196-6df4c640f1ef" }, "automaticCapture": {}, "cofOnSession": { "transactionReference": { "transactionId": "01csa932-9bd5-38d2-91d6-6jf5c640f1ef" } } }

5. Charge a customer and refund funds afterward.

Transaction info: $50 USD, one-time credit card transaction, using a card token.

  1. Call Create Transaction.

Parameters to include:

{ "accountId": "81c79a2-9bd5-4852-9296-6a24c640f1ef", "amount": "5000", "currency": "USD", "paymentMethodTypeId": "creditCard", "card": { "numberToken": "41c29a2-9bd5-4552-1296-6a24c6g0f1ef", "expiryMonth": 11, "expiryYear": 2027, "holderName": "John Doe", "securityCodeToken": "71c7932-9bd5-48d2-9196-6df4c640f1ef" }, "automaticCapture": {}, "oneTimePayment": {} }
  1. Call VoidOrRefund Transaction.

a. For a full refund:

POST https://www.wixapis.com/payments/v3/transactions/71c7932-9bd5-48d2-9196-6df4c640f1ef/capture { "accountId": "81c79a2-9bd5-4852-9296-6a24c640f1ef" }

b. For a partial refund of $25:

POST https://www.wixapis.com/payments/v3/transactions/71c7932-9bd5-48d2-9196-6df4c640f1ef/capture { "accountId": "81c79a2-9bd5-4852-9296-6a24c640f1ef", "amount": 2500 }
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