Updates a checkout.
Use this endpoint to update checkout fields such as billing and shipping info, or to add a coupon code or gift card.
To update a checkout's lineItems
, completed
status, or to remove coupons and gift cards, see these endpoints:
to true
if the checkout was completed through a non-Wix orders or payments system.Notes:
may not be removed once it is set.Checkout ID.
Checkout information.
Coupon code.
The checkout can only hold 1 couponCode
at a time. If an additional couponCode
is added, it will override the existing couponCode
Gift card code.
allows the flexibility to redirect customers to a customized checkout page.
This field overrides the checkoutUrl
in a cart or checkout. checkoutUrl
is used in the Abandoned Checkout API
to send customers back to their checkouts. By default, a checkoutUrl
generates for a checkout and directs to a
standard Wix checkout page. When overrideCheckoutUrl
has a value, it will replace and set the value of checkoutUrl
Catalog line items.
Custom line items. Custom line items don't trigger the Catalog service plugin.
To access and manage custom line items, your app must have the permission scope named "Manage eCommerce - Admin Permissions". Learn more about permission scopes.
Updated checkout.
curl -X PATCH 'https://www.wixapis.com/ecom/v1/checkouts/98efbd87-8097-44e9-9005-72093d7a21d5' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: <AUTH>' \
-d '{
"couponCode": "summer sale",
"giftCardCode": "100dollars",
"checkout": {
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"contactDetails": {
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"lastName": "Doe",
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"contactDetails": {
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"phone": "2075555217"
"buyerInfo": {
"email": "janedoe1@gmail.com"
"buyerNote": "wrap it as present",
"customFields": [
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"translatedTitle": "Tax id",
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"translated": "T-shirt"
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"relativePath": "/product-page/t-shirt",
"url": "https://wixsite.com/coffeestore"
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"formattedConvertedAmount": "$446.00"
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"amount": "371.67",
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"formattedConvertedAmount": "$371.67"
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"formattedConvertedAmount": "$446.00"
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"totalTax": {
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"subdivisionFullname": "Maine"
"contactDetails": {
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"lastName": "Doe",
"phone": "2075555217"
"shippingInfo": {
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"code": "c0feaab1-60d1-8eed-4283-b3bc10765af9",
"title": "standard",
"logistics": {
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"formattedConvertedAmount": "$8.33"
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"formattedAmount": "$1.67",
"formattedConvertedAmount": "$1.67"
"rateBreakdown": []
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"logistics": {
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"pickupDetails": {
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"otherCharges": []
"buyerNote": "wrap it as present",
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"formattedConvertedAmount": "$375.67"
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"formattedAmount": "$8.33",
"formattedConvertedAmount": "$8.33"
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"formattedConvertedAmount": "$76.00"
"discount": {
"amount": "4",
"convertedAmount": "4",
"formattedAmount": "$4.00",
"formattedConvertedAmount": "$4.00"
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"formattedAmount": "$456.00",
"formattedConvertedAmount": "$456.00"
"calculationErrors": {},
"giftCard": {
"id": "f78f162c-b6e9-4230-a97c-fd4c784160c8",
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"formattedConvertedAmount": "$100.00"
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"appliedDiscounts": [
"discountType": "GLOBAL",
"lineItemIds": [],
"coupon": {
"id": "bc75c299-bb39-47a1-a0a6-68005011ce14",
"code": "summer sale",
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"formattedAmount": "$4.00",
"formattedConvertedAmount": "$4.00"
"name": "summer sale",
"couponType": "MoneyOff"
"customFields": [
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"title": "Tax id",
"translatedTitle": "Tax id"
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"amount": "371.67",
"convertedAmount": "371.67",
"formattedAmount": "$371.67",
"formattedConvertedAmount": "$371.67"
"totalTax": {
"amount": "76",
"convertedAmount": "0",
"formattedAmount": "",
"formattedConvertedAmount": ""
"manualTaxRate": "0.2",
"calculationDetails": {
"rateType": "MANUAL_RATE",
"manualRateReason": "GLOBAL_SETTING_TO_MANUAL"
"currency": "USD",
"channelType": "WEB",
"siteLanguage": "en",
"buyerLanguage": "en",
"completed": false,
"taxIncludedInPrice": true,
"createdBy": {
"visitorId": "9cef4c21-ad14-4a3b-8526-0d8628160965"
There are 4 errors with this status code.
There are 8 errors with this status code.
This method may also return standard errors. Learn more about standard Wix errors.