B2B Site Management Errors

This article outlines error messages that might be issued when calling endpoints of the B2B Site Management API.

Transfer Site Errors

The Transfer Site endpoint might issue the following error messages:

HTTP status
Error code
Error message
FAILED_PRECONDITION (428)TARGET_ACCOUNT_ID_NOT_FOUNDTarget account wasn't found.Check that the target account ID exists.
PERMISSION_DENIED (403)SITE_TRANSFER_NOT_ALLOWEDSite transfer isn't allowed for sourceAccountId and targetAccountId.Contact the Wix B2B Sales team to check that the specified target and source accounts are supported for site transfers.
INVALID_ARGUMENT (400)SITE_NOT_FOUNDsiteId wasn't found in accountId.Check that the site exists and that it belongs to the source account.
FAILED_PRECONDITION (428)SITE_TRANSFER_NOT_SUPPORTEDSite transfer isn't supported for sites with paid Wix services.The specified site includes a paid Wix service. Use the Cancel Package endpoint of the Resellers API to remove the paid service before trying to transfer the site again. After the transfer, you can use the Create Package endpoint of the Resellers API to add the paid Wix service to the site again.
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