Read and write products from Wix Stores Catalog
Product ID (generated automatically by the catalog).
Product name.
Min: 1 character Max: 80 characters
A friendly URL name (generated automatically by the catalog when a product is created), can be updated.
Whether the product is visible to site visitors.
Currently, only creating physical products ( "productType": "physical"
) is supported via the API.
Product description. Accepts rich text.
Stock keeping unit. If variant management is enabled, SKUs will be set per variant, and this field will be empty.
Product weight. If variant management is enabled, weight will be set per variant, and this field will be empty.
Product weight range. The minimum and maximum weights of all the variants.
Product inventory status (in future this will be writable via Inventory API).
Deprecated (use priceData
Price data.
Price data, converted to the currency specified in request header.
Product price range. The minimum and maximum prices of all the variants.
Cost and profit data.
Product cost range. The minimum and maximum costs of all the variants.
Price per unit data.
Additional text that the store owner can assign to the product (e.g. shipping details, refund policy, etc.).
Deprecated (use ribbon
Media items (images, videos etc) associated with this product (writable via Add Product Media endpoint).
Text box for the customer to add a message to their order (e.g., customization request). Currently writable only from the UI.
Whether variants are being managed for this product - enables unique SKU, price and weight per variant. Also affects inventory data.
Options for this product.
Product page URL for this product (generated automatically by the server).
Product’s unique numeric ID (assigned in ascending order). Primarily used for sorting and filtering when crawling all products.
Inventory item ID - ID referencing the inventory system.
Discount deducted from the product's original price.
A list of all collection IDs that this product is included in (writable via the Catalog > Collection APIs).
Product variants, will be provided if the the request was sent with the includeVariants: true
Max: 1,000 variants
Date and time the product was last updated.
Date and time the product was created.
Custom SEO data for the product.
Product ribbon. Used to highlight relevant information about a product. For example, "Sale", "New Arrival", "Sold Out".
Product brand. Including a brand name can help improve site and product visibility on search engines.
"product": {
"id": "91f7ac8b-2baa-289c-aa50-6d64764f35d3",
"name": "Colombian Arabica",
"slug": "colombian-arabica-1",
"visible": true,
"productType": "physical",
"description": "<p>The best organic coffee that Colombia has to offer.</p>",
"stock": {
"trackInventory": false,
"inStock": true,
"inventoryStatus": "IN_STOCK"
"weightRange": {
"minValue": 0.25,
"maxValue": 1
"price": {
"currency": "USD",
"price": 35,
"discountedPrice": 30,
"formatted": {
"price": "$35.00",
"discountedPrice": "$30.00",
"pricePerUnit": "$0.12"
"pricePerUnit": 0.12
"priceData": {
"currency": "USD",
"price": 35,
"discountedPrice": 30,
"formatted": {
"price": "$35.00",
"discountedPrice": "$30.00",
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"pricePerUnit": 0.12
"convertedPriceData": {
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"price": 35,
"discountedPrice": 30,
"formatted": {
"price": "$35.00",
"discountedPrice": "$30.00",
"pricePerUnit": "$0.12"
"pricePerUnit": 0.12
"priceRange": {
"minValue": 35,
"maxValue": 70
"costRange": {
"minValue": 20,
"maxValue": 40
"pricePerUnitData": {
"totalQuantity": 250,
"totalMeasurementUnit": "G",
"baseQuantity": 1,
"baseMeasurementUnit": "G"
"additionalInfoSections": [
"title": "Storage recommendations",
"description": "<p>To preserve your beans' fresh roasted flavor as long as possible, store them in an opaque, air-tight container at room temperature.</p>\n"
"ribbons": [
"text": "Organic and Fair trade"
"media": {
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"customTextFields": [
"title": "What would you like us to print on the custom label?",
"maxLength": 200,
"mandatory": false
"manageVariants": true,
"productOptions": [
"optionType": "drop_down",
"name": "Weight",
"choices": [
"value": "250g",
"description": "250g",
"media": {
"items": []
"inStock": true,
"visible": true
"value": "500g",
"description": "500g",
"media": {
"items": []
"inStock": true,
"visible": true
"optionType": "drop_down",
"name": "Ground for",
"choices": [
"value": "Stovetop",
"description": "Stovetop",
"media": {
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"visible": true
"value": "Filter",
"description": "Filter",
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"productPageUrl": {
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"discount": {
"type": "AMOUNT",
"value": 5
"collectionIds": [
"variants": [
"id": "00000000-0000-0020-0005-a316e6ba5b37",
"choices": {
"Weight": "250g",
"Ground for": "Stovetop"
"variant": {
"priceData": {
"currency": "USD",
"price": 35,
"discountedPrice": 30,
"formatted": {
"price": "$35.00",
"discountedPrice": "$30.00",
"pricePerUnit": "$0.12"
"pricePerUnit": 0.12
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"price": "$35.00",
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"pricePerUnit": 0.12
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"formattedItemCost": "$20.00",
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"formattedProfit": "$10.00",
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"weight": 0.25,
"sku": "10003",
"visible": true
"id": "00000000-0000-003f-0005-a316e6ba5b37",
"choices": {
"Weight": "500g",
"Ground for": "Stovetop"
"variant": {
"priceData": {
"currency": "USD",
"price": 65,
"discountedPrice": 60,
"formatted": {
"price": "$65.00",
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"choices": {
"Weight": "500g",
"Ground for": "Filter"
"variant": {
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"currency": "USD",
"price": 70,
"discountedPrice": 65,
"formatted": {
"price": "$70.00",
"discountedPrice": "$65.00",
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"price": "$70.00",
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"formattedItemCost": "$40.00",
"profit": 25,
"formattedProfit": "$25.00",
"profitMargin": 0.3846
"weight": 1,
"sku": "10004",
"visible": true
"lastUpdated": "2022-07-12T10:02:26.664Z",
"createdDate": "2020-04-12T12:13:59.134Z",
"seoData": {
"tags": [
"type": "title",
"children": "Colombian Arabica | Organic and Fair Trade",
"custom": false,
"disabled": false
"type": "meta",
"props": {
"name": "description",
"content": "The best organic fair trade coffee that Colombia has to offer."
"children": "",
"custom": false,
"disabled": false
"ribbon": "Organic and Fair trade",
"brand": "Coffee Company"