Event Object

idstringRead-onlyformat GUID

Event ID.


Event location.


Event date and time settings.

titlestringminLength 1maxLength 120

Event title.

shortDescriptionstringmaxLength 500

Short description that appears under the event title.
Note: This field is returned only when the DETAILS fieldset is included in the request.

detailedDescriptionstringdeprecated - use description insteadmaxLength 50000

Detailed description of an event.

This field is deprecated.


Main event image.
Note: This field is returned only when the DETAILS fieldset is included in the request.


Unique identifier of the event page. The naming is the same as the event title written in kebab case. For example, if your event title is "Leather Crafting 101", then the slug is "leather-crafting-101".

createdDatestringRead-onlyformat date-time

Date and time when the event was created.

updatedDatestringRead-onlyformat date-time

Date and time when the event was updated.


Event status.


RSVP or ticketing registration details.
Note: This field is returned only when the REGISTRATION fieldset is included in the request.


URLs that allow you to add an event to the Google calendar, or to download an ICS calendar file.
Note: This field is returned only when the DETAILS fieldset is included in the request.


Event page URL components.
Note: This field is returned only when the URLS fieldset is included in the request.


Event registration form.
Note: This field is returned only when the FORM fieldset is included in the request.


Summary of RSVP or ticket sales.
Note: This field is returned only when the DASHBOARD fieldset is included in the request and you have the "WIX_EVENTS.READ_EVENT_DASHBOARD" permissions.


Instance ID of the site where the event is hosted.


Guest list configuration.

userIdstringRead-onlyformat GUID

ID of the user who created the event.


Online conferencing details.
Note: This field is returned only when the ONLINE_CONFERENCING_SESSION fieldset is included in the request and you have the "WIX_EVENTS.READ_ONLINE_CONFERENCING" permissions.


SEO settings.
Note: This field is returned only when the SEO_SETTINGS fieldset is included in the request.


Assigned contacts label key.


Event schedule details.
Note: This field is returned only when the AGENDA fieldset is included in the request.


Visual settings for event.


Event description. Fallback Message for SSR and Error

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Join the waitlist.", "confirmation": { "title": "Thanks! You've been added to the waitlist.", "message": "We'll update you if additional spots become available.", "addToCalendarActionLabel": "Add to Calendar", "shareActionLabel": "Share" } }, "negativeMessages": { "title": "Add your details", "confirmation": { "title": "Sorry You Can't Make It", "shareActionLabel": "Share" } }, "submitActionLabel": "SUBMIT" }, "checkout": { "title": "Add your details", "submitActionLabel": "Continue" }, "registrationClosed": { "message": "Registration is closed", "exploreEventsActionLabel": "See other events" }, "ticketsUnavailable": { "message": "Tickets are not on sale", "exploreEventsActionLabel": "See other events" } } }, "summaries": null, "instanceId": "1f6dc906-803d-4650-83f5-72ea1d88100b", "guestListSettings": { "displayedPublicly": true }, "userId": "8a8b9b73-4da8-47a5-8268-4396e68a0605", "feed": null, "onlineConferencing": { "enabled": false, "providerId": null, "providerName": "", "type": -1, "session": null }, "seoSettings": null, "contactLabel": "custom.cosmic-odyssey-exploring-the-mysteries-of-the-univ", "agendaSettings": null, "categories": [ { "id": "4a69c13e-eb55-47a8-8ccf-9b55198428a0", "name": "science", "createdDate": "2023-07-12T10:51:00.029Z", "hidden": false, "type": "MANUAL" } ] } }
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